Thursday, August 27, 2020
Financial ratio analysis Essay
Money related proportion examination is directed by administrators, value financial specialists, long haul loan bosses and momentary banks. What is the essential accentuation of every one of these gatherings in assessing proportions? Supervisors manage a wide range of proportions. It is significant for them to pass judgment and improve the general monetary situation of the organization. Budgetary proportions are one of the most well-known devices of administrative dynamic. Monetary proportions include the examination of different figures from the budget summaries so as to pick up data about a company’s execution. Proportions to this gathering, fill in as pointers, pieces of information, or warnings with respect to vital connections between factors used to gauge the firm’s execution as far as gainfulness, resource usage, liquidity, influence, or market valuation. Value Investors utilize the investigation of money related proportion to help value financial specialists know whether their venture profit some arrival or not. They stress more on benefit proportions with those speculators search for elements with high gaining potential and will be hesitant to relate themselves one that poor return since the market cost of stock and profit potential will be unfavorably influenced. Long haul Creditors manage the dissolvability proportions. They are significant in light of the fact that the proportions under this class demonstrate the drawn out budgetary situation of the organization regarding its dissolvability. Money related proportions examination yearns term loan bosses to know company’s capacity to meet premium costs and long haul commitments on schedule. Times premium earned proportion, obligation to add up to resources turnover proportion, obligation to investors value proportion are additionally a portion of the proportions that are useful for long haul leasers. Transient Creditors discover liquidity proportions as increasingly significant. The examination of money related proportions helps Short term lenders to know the capacity of organization to pay their transient commitment. They basically center around corporate liquidity is particularly critical to loan bosses. On the off chance that an organization has poor liquidity position, it might prompt deferral in getting interest and head installments or even misfortunes on the sums due. It incorporates different determined proportions, for example, Current proportion, receivable turnover, creditor liabilities , fluid proportion, working capital and so forth , that assists short with naming loan bosses break down company’s record of loan repayment. (3-3) Over the previous years, M. D. Rryngaert and Co. has understood an expansion in its present proportion and drop in its absolute resources turnover proportion. In any case, the company’s deals, fast proportion, and fixed resources turnover proportion have stayed steady. What clarifies these changes? It might have been that the stock of M. D. Rryngaert and Co. was not appropriately overseen. We can observer that in light of a higher stock, current resources increments, with a programmed decline in complete resources turnover. Nonetheless, the brisk proportion and the fixed resources turnover have stayed steady because of the way that they are excluded from stock. Moreover, with deals staying steady and with an expansion in stock as referenced, the organization is unquestionably not in a decent budgetary position. (3-4) Profit edges and turnover proportions change starting with one industry then onto the next. What contrasts would you hope to discover between a basic food item chain, for example, Safeway and steel organization? Contemplate the turnover proportions, the overall revenue, and Du Pont condition. Safeway, being a basic food item business, requires a lesser number of dollars in advantages for produce a dollar in deals than would a steel organization. Besides the edge that supermarkets get from the offer of every thing is normally low. That is the reason they depend on an enormous volume of deals, and high turnover of stock. They sell their items rapidly, with a high turnover, and a lower overall revenue with offering higher volumes of items to compensate for the low edge. With respect to the steel organization, being a business that has a higher net revenue yet low turnover proportion, it will in general have lower volume of business exchanges. The steel organization would likewise go through more cash in resources so as to create a decent return in deals, when contrasted with a market. The net revenue being the proportion among income and salary, finds a business with higher net revenue to have lower cost of deals and thus high benefit, while a business with lower overall revenue will have greater expense of deals. Turnover proportions show how often a year organization is supplanting their inventories. So by utilizing the DuPont recipe, we can figure the ROA for each unique organization by a less difficult rendition of the condition being Return on Assets (ROA) = Profit Margin x Total Asset Turnover.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Of Mice and Men & Death of a Salesman by John Steinbeck Essay
John Steinbeck was conceived in California, Salinas February 1902. Despite the reality Steinbeck originated from an affluent foundation he likewise indicated curiousness toward the ranch laborers and invested his own energy working with them. The experience he had picked up from working with the ranch workers was then applied as issue for his composition. This positively adds a feeling of authenticity to his writings. Steinbeck delivered various books about destitution stricken individuals who have a fantasy. One of the books is the notable ‘Grapes of the Wrath.’ During the late 1920s the Wall Street crash occurred, compelling a large number of Americans jobless; this at that point drove on to the Great Depression, a period where individuals did not have any monetary chance. The principle social patterns that happened all through this timeframe were destitution and joblessness. The characters in the novella, â€Å"Of Mice and Men†can identify with this pattern as it is set during that period. All the characters in the book are encountering destitution at that point and are attempting to proceed with presence and to vanquish the Great Depression, so they can acquire the fantasy. It is appeared here †â€Å"Look, on the off chance that me an’ Lennie work a month an’ don’t spen nothing, we’ll have a hunderd bucks. That’d be four fifty. I wager we could swing her for that.†The American Dream is taking a stab at opportunity, status, and achievement, and as this statement proposes it is regularly bound up with issues of a money related nature. The American Dream partners with all characters in, â€Å"Of Mice and Men†yet fundamentally with Candy, Crooks, Lennie, George and Curley’s spouse, who at one point says, â€Å"He says he was going to place me in the films. Says I was a natural.†Q uotes, for example, this help us to remember the immovable certainty that American residents had in their form of the American Dream, and they frequently read amusingly. This is on the grounds that, asâ readers, we realize that the character is frustrated, and succumbing to the bogus guarantee of success. Prejudice is presented all through the novella; during the 1990s isolation laws were endorsed, whereby the privileges of highly contrasting individuals were separated; dark individuals for the most part had the things ailing in quality, for example Crooks’ unfeeling isolation on the farm. Routine utilization of prejudice, for instance sassy utilization of the word ‘N****r’ are pervasive in this novella. There were likewise gatherings of individuals who were explicity presented against blacks, for instance the KKK, who introduced viciousness towards the dark minorities, by ambushing them as well as lynching them. They would likewise strikeâ any individual who set out to connect with blacks. This may remain to expand why no one associates with Crooks †they’re scared to step outside of social parameters. For instance we discover that, ‘Candy stops at the entryway and makes a stride back.’ The way that Crooks is dark annihilates the potential outcomes he had always wanted really being cultivated; they are not appointed similar rights, and In turn dreams as the white individuals. This is amusing on the grounds that we realize that Crooks used to ‘live the dream’, and live among â€Å"the white kids;†maybe this is Steinbeck saying something on how society has relapsed for the more regrettable. The tone Steinbeck makes is smooth and quiet particularly in the initial section. I know this since Steinbeck utilizes words, for example, â€Å"twinkling†and â€Å"golden lower region slants bend. †making a fantasy like environment. Both these statements speak to hues that demonstrate mid year, a long season whereby individuals and creatures revel in the peacefulness of the outside. Notwithstanding this Steinbeck says that the, â€Å"foothill inclines curve†this gives the impression the walk is easy outing. In any case, this smoothness is quickly hindered and begins to show crack as the George and Lennie close. This might be Steinbeck remarking on how the purposeless idea of dreaming will consistently get obvious. Steinbeck expresses that the two men â€Å"hurried†and â€Å"pounded†â down the stream; both these action words are beginning to specify the beginning of a fight. By the essayist making such an unpretentious scene, which is then destroyed, could speak to the way that individuals whose lives go over bright and created, likewise have holster trouble. I feel that Steinbeck needed the crowd to realize that ‘the best laid plans’ didn’t have the result that was envisioned; in certainty the fantasy of ‘livin off the fatta the lan’ close to enough every time comes up short, brings about connections disappearing and lives destroyed. Lennie is extremely expansive and awkward. Then again George is little, so it is additionally unexpected that Lennie’s last name is little. The content perusers, â€Å"Behind him strolled his inverse, an enormous man, ill defined of face, with huge, pale eyes, with wide, slanting shoulders; and he strolled vigorously, dawdling a little, the manner in which a bear hauls his paws. His arms didn't swing at his sides, however hung loosely.†The essayist says that George has â€Å" restless eyes†â meaning that his eyes are characterized, though Lennie’s are portrayed as â€Å"pale.†This shading isn't clear nor is it brutal, so it is practically thoughtful and delicate. Lennie’s eyes don't recommend quality, so perhaps Steinbeck is introducing Lennie as having a dull, well-intentioned character. Steinbeck isn't attempting to make George and Lennie appear to be similar, however totally unique; this is to show how subordinate two contrary energies are in requiring one another. Without each other George would have been a desolate farm specialist, in the mean time Lennie would of presumably contained in a psychological foundation. Lennie is alluded to a hold up under, straight away this tells the crowd that Lennie is truly solid, entirely huge and unfriendly. Regardless of this, it likewise shows that Lennie would possibly battle when he needs to, he wouldn’t do it without an aim. Research has demonstrated that bears possibly assault when they feel at serious risk, in this manner a bear represents Lennie best as he will in general lose control a ton. Lennie is continually ready to assault when the fantasy is undermined, demonstrating how significant the vision was to Americanâ citizens. Lennie says, â€Å"I recollect about the hares, George.†and George reacts, †¨Ã¢â‚¬ ¨Ã¢â‚¬ The hellfire with the hares. That’s everything you can ever recollect is them rabbits.†This is the absolute first time we find out about Lennie dream. Indeed, even from the earliest starting point of the novella, the impression is given that Lennie is more energetic than George about the fantasy. George’s straightforward annihilation of the words â€Å"them rabbits†gives indications that he thinks the entire circumstance is stupid. This will in general get unpredictable as we to enlist that George may very well be as vivified for the fantasy as m uch as Lennie. it goes over that George is extra vigilant about that fervor, this bodes well as he’s additionally progressively mindful of his environmental factors contrasted with his other half. The American Dream as entire is outlandish of satisfaction, the passing of Lennie is non-literal of that †presuming that every beneficial thing most reach a conclusion. Lennie just needed to â€Å"tend the rabbits,†nothing more, nothing less †it was George who thought of the whole dream in this manner Lennie isn't at fault for everything. The fantasy was introduced to Lennie like a story, in an innocent way. â€Å"†¦God a’mighty, in the event that I was distant from everyone else I could live so natural. I could go find a new line of work an’ work, an’ no difficulty. No chaos by any means, and when the month's end come I could take my fifty bucks andâ go into town and get whatever I want†¦Ã¢â‚¬ Now George lashes out at Lennie seething about what the life of a transient specialist would resemble with no overwhelming burdens i.e Lennie. From this bit of content it appears that George is envisioning an apathetic presence and that Lennie is only an impediment in his way.What George had featured here is far-seeing a direct result of what occurs toward the finish of â€Å"Of Mice and Men.†George utilizes the fantasy so the two of them have trust later on life, afterâ the farm laborers thought about their fantasy they needed to have one as well. This uncovers the estimation of dreams altogether in the novella, and for those alive during the Great Depression, sitting in a similar situation as the farm laborers. When George makes a full record of the homestead, its paradise garden-like characteristics become considerably progressively self-evident; Everything thing they need will be before their eyes, with no strict exertion. Similarly as Lennie states: â€Å"We could live offa the fatta the lan’.†I feel that when George shot Lennie he was directly in doing as such. One reason I think this is because of the way that he would have been executed by Curley or the remainder of the farm men in any case. Lennie had suddenly slaughtered Curley’s spouse; in this way, it would of settled in death in any case. The writer tells the peruser that Curley would of slaughtered Lennie when Curley says †â€Å"I’m going to get him. I’m going for my fired firearm. I’ll execute the bastard myself.†If Curley murdered Lennie, it would of settled in a moderate excruciating, demise. As I would like to think, it was better his closest companion murdering him tha n his adversary. This murdering can be contrasted with a leniency executing or connected to killing from multiple points of view. George murdered Lennie for quite a few reasons; the main ruin in this is George needs to go on and carry on with a forlorn life, with no friendship. George murders Lennie by Salinas River ‘Salinas’ implies desolate, which is the thing that George is currently. George and Lennie neglect to enlist that their fantasy resembles a large number of other farm laborers, Crooks sums up their fantasy when he cites: â€Å"Seen several men drop by out and about an’ on the farms, with their bindles on their back an’ that equivalent damn thing in their minds
Friday, August 21, 2020
How to use Background Color and Image in WordPress site
How to use Background Color and Image in WordPress site WordPress Blog user can easily change the themes background color. But this feature doesn't work on all themes. Using same theme with same backgeound may look dull but if you change the background color then you might see that your theme has got little bit different look. Color combination is the most effective reason, which can divert big chunk of traffic on Blog. Anyway we will see how we can easily change the WordPress site's background color? Fortunately if you are using Default WordPress theme then you can select unlimited color for theme background by a single click. Not only color but also we will learn how can we add background image or patter in WordPress themes. For giving example I am using Twenty twelve WordPress theme. How to change background color on WordPress Site? We will add color as WordPress background- Step 1Log into yourWordPressaccountand go toDashboard Step 2first go to-Appearance- Themespagefrom WordPress Dashboard. Step 3And click on theCustomizebutton next to its title. After that it will take you to WordPress Title and Tagline option page. Step 4 To change Site's background color expand the Colors option and change Background Color by moving your mouse pointer. You can change the color's darkness and lightness from vertical bar with mouse pointer. Step 5 So after necessary changes click on Save Publish button from top of editing bar. That's all we are now able to change WordPress Site Background color. How to add background image or pattern on WordPress Site? Though we have already learned to change the background color of WordPress site but now I will show you how we can add background image or patter. Before proceed you should find out a suitable pattern or background image for your theme Again follow the Step 1 to Step 3and after that go through following steps- Step 4 To add Site's background image or pattern click to expand the Background Image option and again expand No Image option under Background Image. Step 5 Now click on select a file link it will take 5/10 seconds to upload the image that depends on image file size. Step 6 Now some Image option will activate like Background Repeat, Position, Attachment change and select option until fixing the background image in your WordPress theme. Step 7And click onSave Publishbutton from top of editing bar. That's it now you would able to change background color as well as add background Image on your WordPress site.
Monday, May 25, 2020
Global and International Business Contexts †Sm0269 Essay
Global and International Business Contexts – SM0269 W13012208 Jack Goddard Word Count: 3457 Table of Contents Introduction 3 Part 1: Porters National Diamond Analysis 3 Part 2: Contemporary Management Issues 7 Part 3: Market Entry Strategy 11 Recommendation to the Board of Directors†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ †¦.13 Appendices 14 References 15 Introduction This report has been written by the Boston Consulting Group and uses Porter’s national diamond analysis model to evaluate the attractiveness of investment opportunities in the Tunisian wine industry. Also discussed are two key management issues that need to be taken†¦show more content†¦(See insert 1.1) Part 1: Porter’s National Diamond Analysis Porter’s national diamond analysis model has four main determinants, which are factor conditions, related and supporting industries, demand conditions as well as strategy, structure and rivalry. Factor Conditions Factor conditions are those factors that can be utilised by companies inherently found within a nation which might provide competitive advantage such as human resources, material resources, knowledge resources, capital resources and infrastructure. These factor conditions can be built upon by companies to improve their competitiveness. Factor conditions could be divided into two resources as home grown resources and highly specialised resources. As Michael Porter described, the home grown resources are important and in the case of Tunisia includes the natural resource of a climate well suited to wine growing, plenty of sunshine, fertile soil as well as limited pollution which all aid the industry of grape planting. Political and historical factors through Tunisia’s history such as the romans, French occupation which resulted in over 600 caves being created for wine aging and a recent flourish in the Tunisian wine industry after the 1980’s has left Tunisia with a number of cooperatives and engineers all with specialist skills in wine production where modern techniques are being used creating innovation, technical progress and competitive advantage. The
Thursday, May 14, 2020
Silent Letters Pronunciation
Silent letters are letters that are not pronounced in a word. There are many silent letters in English, including the letter e at the end of a word, the letter b following m, and many, many more. Can you guess which letter is silent in these words? hope - silent ecomb - silent bisland - silent sbought - silent gh Here is a list of common letter combinations with silent letters in alphabetical order. This list contains most of the silent letters that give English as a second language students difficulties. Silent B B is not pronounced when following M at the end of a word. climb - I climbed the tree in the park.crumb - Theres a crumb of bread on your lapel.dumb - Thats a really dumb question.comb - Do you carry a comb with you? Silent C C is not pronounced in the ending scle. muscle - Hes building up muscle with that exercise. Silent D D is not pronounced in the following common words: handkerchief - Adding a handkerchief to your suit provides a touch of class.Wednesday - Im not working this Wednesday. Silent E E is not pronounced at the end of words and usually makes the vowel long. hope - I hope to see you - Ill drive the car to Seattle tomorrow.gave - Jennifer gave him a book for his birthday. write - Do you write letters anymore? site - We visited the monument site last week. Silent G G is often not pronounced when followed by an N. champagne - Lets drink champagne!foreign - She works for a foreign bank.sign - The sign says exit. feign - Dont feign that you care! Silent GH GH is not pronounced before T and at the end of many words. thought - I thought about you last week.through - Lets take a drive through the park.daughter - My daughter was born in Pisa.light - Theres a beautiful light in the sky. Silent H H is not pronounced when following W. Some speakers whisper the H before the W. what - What did you say?when - When does the train leave? where - Where are we going? H is not pronounced at the beginning of many words. Use the article an with unvoiced H. Here are some of the most common: hour - Ill see you in an hour. honest - To be honest, this is difficult. honor - Its an honor to have you over for dinner. Silent K K is not pronounced when followed by N at the beginning of a word. knife - I cut the fish open with a knife.knee - Bend your knees and jump. know - Do you know the answer? Silent L L is often not pronounced before L, D, F, M, K. calm - Its a calm day in paradise. salmon - Lets have salmon for dinner. talk - Lets talk soon. should - You should come over next week. Silent N N is not pronounced following M at the end of a word. autumn - Its a beautiful autumn day.hymn - Open to hymn 25 and lets sing. Silent P P is not pronounced at the beginning of many words using the suffix psych and pneu. psychiatrist - The psychiatrist asked lots of questions.pneumonia - Pneumonia can be a very dangerous disease. Silent S S is not pronounced before L in the following words: island - We took a ferry to the island. Silent T T is not pronounced in these common words: castle - The castle stood upon the hill overlooking the valley. fasten - fasten your seatbelts and lets go for a ride. listen - Listen carefully to what I say. Silent U U is not pronounced before after G and before a vowel. guess - I guess I dont know the answer.guitar - While my guitar gently weeps. guest - Shes our guest tonight. Silent W W is not pronounced at the beginning of a word followed by an R. wrap - Wrap up the present for Tom.write - I need to write an essay tomorrow. wrong - Im afraid you are wrong. W is not pronounced with these three pronouns: who - Who do you know in town?whose - Whose job is it?whom - Whom should we ask.
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Business Ethics Ethical And Ethical Issues - 843 Words
Business ethics is very important. Business ethics examines the moral and ethical issues that arise in a business enviroment. Ethical communication on the other hand allows the business to be honest with the customer. A business should not withhold information in order to sell a product. A great article that discusses ethical communication is About Ethical Communication in Business by Scott Thompson. This article discusses the advantages of ethics, honest communication, code of ethics, aspects of ethical communication. It goes into depth about how important it is to be honest. Companies should also be ethical inside of the company and outside. If a business is ethical then they will set a good example of good business practice they can also asure customers of how they are different from competitors. Thompson also makes a very good point about communication. He states that if a customer knew that they were being lied to then they would have no trust in them anymore which would cause them to stop buying. If too many customers feel cheated then eventually it would harm the business in a much more serious way. The IABC code requires businesses to be truthful. The code also requires respect for human rights and freedom of speech. It requires respect for all cultures and belief systems. They must also refuse to be involved in any unethical business practices. They must follow every single law and regulation. Ethical communication helps build a trustworthy relationship amongShow MoreRelatedBusiness Ethics : Ethical And Ethical Issues1737 Words  | 7 PagesBusiness ethics examines ethical principles and moral or ethical problems that arise in a business environment. Business ethics often encompasses many concerns such social responsibility, sustainability, labour practices and environmental development. Business ethics as a concept fundamentally applies to all aspects of business conduct and is relevant to the behavior of individuals and entire organizations. Desj ardins (2011) suggests that business ethics is the study of business from an ethical viewpointRead MoreBusiness Ethics And The Ethical Issues1461 Words  | 6 PagesBusiness ethics and the ethical issues in marketing Moral principles that guide the way a business behaves are known as business ethics. However this term has a broader definition. As the word ethics can pose many definitions in a broad context and it can be challenging to find a common understanding of the term, hence, most companies denote the concept of the term ethics as responsible business conduct, business practices or integrity. Business ethics offers a tool for conducting business more effectivelyRead MoreBusiness Ethics : Ethical And Ethical Issues1360 Words  | 6 Pages INTRODUCTION: Business ethics can be defined as the set of moral values and codes or standards of conduct in an organization. According to Wikipedia – â€Å"Business ethics (also corporate ethics) is a form of applied ethics or professional ethics that examines ethical principles and moral or ethical problems that arise in a business environment. It applies to all aspects of business conduct and is relevant to the conduct of individuals and entire organizations.†The particulars and specifics of theRead MoreEthical Issues Of Business Ethics1369 Words  | 6 PagesThe word ‘Ethics’ is derived from the Greek word ‘ethos’ (character) and Latin word ‘moras’ (customs) (Senaratne, 2011). Ethics is usually based around a decision one makes to help us identify what is good and what is bad as well as guiding us on doing well and avoiding the bad. What’s more, ethics are like a code of conduct asserting moral guidelines, prevailing good behaviour. It’s also about relationships and how we treat others. There are many underlying ethical issues arising for instance,Read MoreEthical And Ethical Issues Of Business Ethics1612 Words  | 7 PagesThe work of setting a positive ethical climate starts at the top of the organization as positive ethical attitudes filter down to employees. Ferrell et al. (2015) states, â€Å"the more employees perceive an organization’s ethical culture to be the l ess likely they are to make unethical decisions†(p.134). 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Business law is all rules and regulations that all businesses shouldRead MoreInternational Business Ethics And Ethical Issues Within International Organizations1113 Words  | 5 Pagesinternational business encourage firms and organisations to become socially responsible and ethical global citizens? What I am here to tell you today is that with the correct organisational procedures, internationally renowned businesses are able to become socially responsible and ethically recognised. However when international organisations have unseemly and immoral behavioural standards, generating ethical global citizens is out of the question. Today international business ethics have a numberRead MoreThe Five Business Ethics Myths Essay879 Words  | 4 PagesCommon Ethics Misconceptions Trevino Brown (2004) in Academy of Management Executives talked about the five business ethics myths. 1. It is easy to be ethical 2. Unethical behavior in business results from bad people 3. A formal code of ethics is the easiest way to manage them 4. Principled leadership revolves around your leaders 5. At one time, people appeared to be more ethical Pundits and business leaders say being ethical is straightforward when being ethical is complexRead MoreEthics in the Workplace1201 Words  | 5 PagesEthics in the Workplace Classical and Contemporary Ethical Philosophies Ethical philosophies served as guide for people in the workplace to make moral decisions in conducting business. There are classical normative ethical philosophies as well as contemporary ethical philosophies being used. They have been applied in the different levels or dimensions of the business organizations. People do know that there are business organizations that have disregarded ethical standards and encounters ethicalRead MoreEssay on Emerging Business Ethics Issues914 Words  | 4 PagesStakeholders play a major role in the business arena, they are charged with the responsibility of ensuring their organization is a safe environment not only for themselves but for their employees. In a seemingly competitive and morally flawed world, business people and entrepreneurs are often presented with grave ethical challenges. For this reason their personal values and beliefs play a pivotal role in the success of the organization. When concealing doubts about the ethics of others, more than a few tend
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Amen break free essay sample
The Amen break Is a 6 second (4 bar) drum solo, a break beat many believe to be the most sampled loop in music history. It helped spur the creative use of samplers and spawned an entire musical subculture. The Amen Break has become so universal that Neat Harrison, creator of the sound art installation Can I Get An Amen? argues it has entered into the collective audio subconscious. The Amen Break gets its name from The Winston song Amen Brother, a track on the B-side of their 1969 record Color Him Father. Neat Harrison traces the Incredible history of the Amen Break over the last 40 years.One appearance Is on Straight Auto Compton. Jungle music Des began experimenting with the solo, slicing and retooling each kick and each crash to a point of dance-ability and syncopation into a realm of pure beatification and self-indulgence. Hundreds and potentially thousands of tracks were created using the Amen Break. We will write a custom essay sample on Amen break or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page The success of the Amen Break can be credited to several factors: Its raw and powerful energy, the mechanical creation of the sampler, ND the rapid demand for break beats by hip-hop and electronic artists.To fill this demand, record companies created compilation albums featuring songs with great break beats for convenient scratching and mixing. Amen Brother was included in the first Ultimate Breaks and Beats by Street Beat Records and on other sampling collections by third-party companies such as Zero-G Limited. Many believe the Amen Break carries a spiritual power and some hidden, universal meaning. Michael Schneider, a writer and educator, analyzed the waveform of the Amen Break and covered that the peaks of the waves correspond remarkably to the Golden Ratio.Schneider observed that when the wave was turned vertically, the Amen Break peaks aligned with the Golden Proportions of the ideal human body, as if the music represented the ideal human harmony in audio form. Unfortunately the fact that still remains is that third-party companies are selling the appropriated Amen Break as their own copyrighted material. Around the early sass, various copyrights existed for the same drum loop. On the one hand, this prevented the original artists from receiving a dime for their work.Yet at the same time, open access to their music sparked decades of musical innovation, the effects of which are still being seen in music today. When looking at media history, the threat of corporate entities seeking control over media theyve laid claim to is practically never-ending. As the latest creative sampler in the digital age, the Internet faces onslaught by proposals like SOAP and ACTA. As that happens, It will become more and more necessary to monitor he difference between copyright that protects the public good and copyright that advances private gain.But the SOAP and ACTA protests remind us of another thing-? creativity and its remarkable ability to come out on top. The use of the Amen Break alone is a striking example of the human ability to make creative work under strict confines. The self-imposed standard of Jungle music to work within the Amen could have been Its downfall, and yet to the Des, each Individual snare, each hi-hat, each music can develop into an entire subculture, Just think what we can do with eight.
Friday, April 10, 2020
The Bank of New York - Risk Analysis free essay sample
An essay presented in report form by the banks risk management team in an attempt to identify and minimize the risks faced by the bank. The paper discusses the number of risks associated with the banking industry. In an attempt to identify and minimize the various risks associated with the operation of this institution, the Bank of New York uses a Risk Management team. Their main goal is to identify and track the various risks associated with the Bank of New York and offer recommendations as to how to minimize or eliminate them. The paper shows how threats and risks in the banking industry can be divided into the following categories: Market Risk, Credit Risk, Foreign Asset Risk, Competition Risk, Governmental Risk, as well as risks to the physical structure and data systems. This paper discusses these risk areas and the Bank of New Yorks plan for minimizing them. We will write a custom essay sample on The Bank of New York Risk Analysis or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Table of Contents Introduction Risk Analysis Threats/Risks Market Risk Credit Risk Foreign Asset Risk Governmental Risk Competition Risk Analysis Data Systems Mitigation/Countermeasures Information Assurance Policies Disaster Recovery Policies Summary The World Trade tower attack in September of 2001 prompted the Bank of New York to re-evaluate and amend its disaster recovery policies. At the time of the disaster, the Bank had over 8,300 employees located in four lower Manhattan facilities who were evacuated in a matter of hours. The recovery plan was immediately implemented, and they temporarily relocated headquarters to midtown Manhattan. By that evening, they had relocated operating departments to five existing contingency sites in New Jersey, New York State, and Connecticut. Staff was reassigned to alternate sites as specified in disaster recovery plans while systems were restored at backup sites over the course of the following days. Well-executed contingency plans led to quick recovery of many businesses, including ADR, BNY Clearing, Core Custody, Brokerage, European Transfer Agency, Foreign Currency Transfer, Fund Accounting and Administration, Investment Management, Performance Measurement, Retail Fund Administration and S ecurities Lending (BNY annual report, 2001).
Monday, March 9, 2020
Creating A Benchmark Quality in Human Resource Essays
Creating A Benchmark Quality in Human Resource Essays Creating A Benchmark Quality in Human Resource Essay Creating A Benchmark Quality in Human Resource Essay Creating A Benchmark Quality in Human Resource BY WLY3925 **Delegates from Singapore companies can now enjoy the benefits under the Productivity and Innovation Credit (PIC) Scheme plus cash bonus under PIC Bonus! ** Please refer to terms and conditions below. Course Facilitator: Creating a Benchmark Quality Human Resources Organization Build a HR Organization That Is a Competitive Standard In The Market Through Assessments and Partnerships! Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia ? 26th 27th August 2013 Mark Eichi Mark Eichinger hinger Founder International Human Resources Coaching and Consulting Awards Recognitions ? Westinghouse Electric Corporation: Golden Grid Award Best Communications Campaign Human Resources Award -Compensation Projects Testimonials Mark is an outstanding leader who can focus not Just on HR, but on the operation of the business at large, both domestically and internationally. Mark is able to look at both the business and HR strategically, and plan at that level, meanwhile can still ensure that his organization executes the details with excellence. ? Vice President Human Resources, SPX Corporation Mark, is a terrific senior human resources leader and has worked in developing and riving strategic talent programs across a diverse set of business environments. President Electrical Segment, Eaton Corporation Marks energy and enthusiasm. ? Senior Consultant, Hewitt Associate FREE TAKEAWAYS ? Process tools drive measurable improvement in your HR organization ? Assessment tools to evaluate and measure your departments position and progress ? Career tools that will create greater HR organization leverage in the organization ? Valuable website references for management and leadership Mark is able to navigate through challenging situations with his sincere interest in thers, his sense of humor/optimism, his pragmatic approach to issues, and his genuine passion a round talent and creating success for the business. ? Vice President APAC Regional Director, Consulting Solutions at PDI Ninth House Capitalize on the expert knowledge to gain maximum value on these vital issues: Productivity and Innovation Credit (PIC) Scheme All business in Singapore can enjoy up to 400% tax deduction for external training* provided by UNI Strategic Pte Ltd for up to $ 400,000 for year of assessment 2013. You can enjoy up to 68% of tax savings from attending our trainings which means you only need to pay 1/3 of the course ees Alternatively, businesses can opt for a nontaxable cash payout option of 60% of up to $100,000 for year of assessment 2013 meaning up to a maximum of $60,000 * This includes both trainings in Singapore and overseas * Both local and foreign employees are eligible * Course fees only PIC Bonus (as announced in Budget 2013) On top of the existing 400% tax deductions/ allowances and/or 60% cash payout (PIC cash businesses a dollar-for-dollar matching cash bonus for YAS 2013 to 201 5, subject to an overall cap of $15,000 for all 3 YAS combined. Businesses must incur at least $5,000 in PIC-qualifying expenditure uring the basis period for the YA in which a PIC Bonus is claimed. The PIC Bonus is taxable. Please refer to https://www. iras. gov. sg/irasHome/ page04. aspx? d=14566 for more info DEPLOY a renewable process that leads to continuous improvement OPEN avenues of communication LEVERAGE your management organization to increase your departments effectiveness BUILD valuable partnerships in your organization LEAD your department in a new direction building benchmark quality practices CHALLENGE your department to take a larger role in the organization MANAGED skillfully, the assessment process can leverage and build greater partnerships in your rganization, and benchmark quality practices. DEMONSTRATE a simple, compact, cost effective, and easy to administer assessment process UNI training courses are thoroughly researched and carefully structured to provide practical and exclusive training applicable to your organization. Benefits include: ? Thorough and customized programs to address current market concerns ? Illustrations of real life case studies ? Comprehensive course documentation ? Strictly limited numbers Proudly Organised by: DAY 1 | 26th August 2013 Workshop Overview Assessment processes can radically improve the value of Human Resources (HR) epartments. They can transform the function from staid and unresponsive organization units to partners on the leadership team, customer-oriented suppliers, and respected, productive, sought-after resources in the business. Assessments are pathways to benchmark quality. They can inspire pro-active and effective leadership and can provide a definitive, measurable return-on-investment on the resources the organization commits to them. When assessments are approached as a process, continuous improvement is the outcome. Over time, when fully implemented, assessments build and reinforce great organization cultures. Delivers valuable behavior and communications tools necessary to successfully drive continuous improvement from assessment results as well tools necessary for career path success A structured process which evaluates and analyzes the contribution of the HR departments work Produces a baseline point from which ongoing improvement can be measured Provides and supports a continuous management and leadership environment improvement WHO SHOULD ATTEND Directors, VPs, HODs and Senior Managers of: Human Resource Human Capital HR Strategic Planning HR Analyst HR Professionals INTRODUCTIONS AND ASSESSMENT OF DELEGATE EXPECTATIONS Understanding effective behaviors that are critical to teamwork Organize teams and review member roles for the weeks exercises Discussion of teams expectations to guide or adjust the weeks projects Learning the groups successes, issues for use going forward How HR Assessment fits in and interacts within the organization? COMMUNICATIONS, THE NERVE CENTER OF CONTINUOUS IMPROVEMENT Communications role in the organization, so simple, so complex Assess and review the four major elements of effective communications Plan your communications to construct a successful project Analyze and critique communications structure through case tudies Comparing communications needs for generational differences IMPORTANCE OF CONSTRUCTING PROCESSES IN DELIVERING ASSESSMENTS improvement, metrics Relate process tools and their role in assessments Compare process structure, formats and flexibility Analyze a process used by Dragon Tea Enterprises Topical applications for HR Managers in assessment projects Mapping results and metrics for action planning and ASSESSOR TRAINING WHY YOU CANNOT MISS THIS EVENT If you have a desire to increase the leverage of your HR organization, if you would like to build great partnerships with leaders and anagers, if you are looking for measurable results and process techniques that drive improv ement with visible ROI, you should attend this event. Designing assessor structure and formats for effective assessments Learning the behaviors that drive successful assessments Mining data from assessment interviews The Right Questions Developing effective reports: Foundations for improvement Role play: Preparation for Day 2s inter-team assessment THE ASSESSMENT TOOL IMPLICATIONS AND ROLES Program Schedule (Day 1 Day 2 08:30 Impact of assessments on the broader organization Factors for success in organizing assessments in the organization Effectively using the assessment tool, preparing for interviews Creating a basis for improvement Outcomes and Result Registration og:oo Morning Session Begins 10:40 11:00 12:45 Luncheon 14:00 Afternoon Session begins In-House Training 1 5:30 15:50 Refreshments Networking Break 17:00 Course Ends Cost effective In-house courses, tailored specifically to your organisations needs, can be arranged at your preferred location and time. If you would like to discuss further, please contact our In-house division at [emailprotected] com. DAY 2 | 27th August 2013 ASSESSMENT ROLE PLAYS Simulating the assessment at a model company Key roles of, assessors and observers in the assessment process Application of assessment tools in a case study environment Organizing raw data into opportunities for improvement Effectively creating and delivering Customer feedback and report MANAGING ASSESSMENTS RESULTS FOR ORGANIZATION SUCCESS Behaviors are the overwhelming career and organization derailers Functional and Effectiveness Competencies: The keys to effectively deploying assessment results and improvements Comparing the use of competencies in organizations, relationships and careers Appraising competency use in management The 80/20 Manager Valuing the impact on customers (internal or external) and their attitudes BE A CUSTODIAN OR BE A PARTNER; DRIVING Defining, understanding the Managers Brand Relating brands to Assessment Outcomes and Success Integrating brands, assessment and HRS influence Developing brands HRS role Demonstrating brands The New Managers Message RECOGNIZING THE VALUE OF METRICS Create and build influence with metrics Metrics can differentiate your work; assess competitive positions Be creative, analytical Finding the data for charts and graphs Team Exercise: Analytical tools in use today; CEO Metrics Examples and applications sing metrics LAST BUT NOT LEAST ABOUT YOUR COURSE FACILITATOR Mark Eichinger is the owner of International Human Resources Coaching and Consulting, LLC (IHRCC). His passions are in Human Resource Assesment, Performance and Talent Management, Culture Management, Employee Development and Engagement, and Career Coaching for success. His experience as a trained business system examiner included conducting business assessments in Europe, Brazil, Canada, North America and Asia. Assessments included analysis of six areas of criteria: Leadership, Strategic Planning, Customer Focus, Measurement Analysis and Knowledge Management, Workforce Focus, Results. Human Resource Assessments were part of each of these criteria areas. He believes values need to be the foundation of all business and personal relationships. He prizes integrity, humility, diversity, innovation, compassion, humor, adaptability, balance and Judgment. Mark has more than 20 years of experience in global Human Resources management and leadership. Prior to starting IHRCC, he worked for two $98 manufacturing and service corporations holding positions in operations and corporate at the Vice President and Director levels to include Vice President Human Resources Operations and International and Vice President Human Resources Asia Pacific based in Shanghai China. In Asia Pacific he was the corporate US-Asia H. R. Liaison, established the Asia Pacific HR headquarters and operating location HR teams, the leader development programs, Chinas university relations program, and the Asia Pacific key leader and professional development processes. He is a trained Malcolm Baldrige based business system examiner, a graduate of Youngstown State University, certified in Lean Manufacturing by the University of Tennessees Thunderbird School of Global Management. Partial List of Companies that have benefited from Marks Expertize: PetroVietnam Oil Corporation Petroliam Nasional Berhad Chevron Unithai Shipyard and Engineering Ltd Cuel Ltd Thailand Exploration Production Ltd Apply your learning experience at work: Barriers and solutions Revisiting day 1 expectations; did we meet your expectations Delegate evaluation of learning experiences and resources Key Takeaways for success with assessments Website Resources Web sites references that delegates can use to assist them in their work and careers Bank of Ceylon United Overseas Bank (Thai) Public Company Ltd Maybank Bank Simpanan Nasional SMRT Corporation Ltd Malaysia Airport Holding Berhad PT Telekomunikasi Indonesia TBK Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia Universiti Teknologi Mara Mars Corporation ABT Media PRE-COURSE QUESTIONNAIRE Westinghouse Corporation To ensure that you gain maximum value from this course, a detailed questionnaire will be forwarded to you upon registration to establish your exact training needs and issues of concern. Your completed questionnaire will be analysed by the course trainer prior to the event and addressed during the event. You will receive a comprehensive set of course documentation to enable you to digest the subject matter in your own time. Your Encore, Inc. In addition the client list above, he has experience working with company locations in Europe, Brazil, Canada, North America Creating a Benchmark Quality Human Resources Organization Venue and Date Sales Contract Please complete this form immediately and fax back to JACK (JLC): (65) 6825 9580 DELEGATES DETAILS Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia Workshop 26th 27th August 2013 Workshop Fee Name: SGD 3,295 per delegate Position: SGD 3,095 per delegate if 2 or more delegates sign up Fee inclusive of course documentation, luncheons, refreshments and 15% services charge. The above amount payable is net withholding taxes or any other taxes, if any. Registration and Enquiries Email: *Company Details Organisation: 20 Science Park Road, #01-26/30, TeleTech park, Singapore Science Park II, Singapore 117674 contact JACK (JLC) General Line: (65) 6825 9579 Ext: 356 General Fax: (65) 6825 9580 Email: Jack. [emailprotected] com Address: Payment Method Credit Card: Please debit my Town: State: Postcode: Card Ho lders Name: Tel: ( Card Number: Fax: ( Nature of Business: Company Size: *Finance Department Contact Details VISA MASTERCARD
Saturday, February 22, 2020
MGT Leadership and Ethics Unit 2 IP Research Paper
MGT Leadership and Ethics Unit 2 IP - Research Paper Example An effective leader exhibits a combination of both in-born traits and skills acquired through experience and biological background. â€Å"Leadership style is the combination of traits, skills and behaviours leaders use as they interact with the followers.†(Lussier and Archua, 2010) thus the individual characteristics and traits of the leader depend on two factors: Heredity and Environment. The heredity factor includes the generic composition of the leader along with his biological background. However environment includes the culture, religion, family, location and education etc. The interaction between heredity genes and the environmental forces help build up the leadership characters. The differences in the traits possessed by the leaders arise from the demographics, values, personality and aptitude. ‘Individual behaviour is determined to a great extent by internal elements such as attitudes, personality, perceptions, and ability.’ (Lewis & Goodman et al., 2007) The demographics of the leader includes his background, age and other physical attributes and whereabouts, the values are the long lasting preferences and beliefs, and personality is what makes the leader unique showcasing the different physical and psychological characteristics. Lastly the important individual characteristic is the aptitude of the leader, the natural talent of doing something both mentally and physically. ‘Executives who can effectively focus on others emerge as natural leaders regardless of organizational or social rank.’ (Goleman, 2013) This aptitude cannot be enforced on anyone however skills can be acquired through training. A leader cannot be made through training however new skills can be taught for better and effective leadership. Thus the conventional theories of leadership involve the trait and behavioural theories that focus on the traits as well as the acquired behaviour of the leader also mentioned in the above discussion. The contingency theory brings in the situation and its characteristics into the leadership equation. The test of leadership depends upon the nature of the situation and the success depends upon how well the leader manages the situation at hand. The power and influence theory that will become the main focus of this discussion, focus on the different ways the leaders use their power in order to get things done. All these believes and theories are reflected in the leadership model where the leader has to deal with the personal front involving his set of his abilities and traits, the group where he manages the organization and lastly the public involving the environment and the stakeholders of the leader’s organization. The power of the leader in an organization is vast (see Appendix). A CEO of a large organization has the power to influence the board of directors. He is the sole figure that can change the philosophy of the entire organization. The power of the CEO is to decide how much input he wants from the subordinates and how stringent or relaxed the work hierarchy should be. His expertise in the organization is supposedly more enriched as compared to other employees in the organization. It is this knowledge and official responsibility that gives the CEO the power to control. He is the one who can turn a bad situation to a positive through his influence tactics. For example, Proctor and Gamble (P&G) the consumer
Thursday, February 6, 2020
A thoughtful comment about a video Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
A thoughtful comment about a video - Essay Example He first places the fork over one edge of the plate then sprinkles sugar carefully over the fork. This leaves space on plate to serve food (Cronin, 2012). The use of a sieve in sprinkling sugar is important in achieving uniform distribution over a third area of the plate for placing the fork. After sprinkling only amount require to covers the, he stops and lift the fork carefully. Leaving behind is a decoration that is fork-shaped. In the procedure, he makes sure to use right quantity of sugar so as not to affect food taste. In the second part of decoration, he uses a white square plate. This time he places a fork on plate followed by a spoon across over the fork. The spoon and fork combination make sure of decoration in a quarter of the square-shaped plate. He then sprinkles cocoa powder using sieve over the spoon and fork. The cocoa powder is dark in color and gives a nice contrast to the white plate for decoration to be visible. He finally lifts the spoon then fork carefully to leave decoration of their shapes on the plate (Cronin, 2012). The cocoa power is bitter hence avoid using large amounts due to its flavor in
Tuesday, January 28, 2020
Commercial Accounting Essay Example for Free
Commercial Accounting Essay Commercial accounting is an accurate account of business transactions, it can only be acquired if both cash and credit transactions are performed, recorded, and recognized in such a way that there can be no duplication and the transactions are recorded under commercial accounting. The system known as double entry book keeping or the commercial accounting system that records both aspects of transactions, also it records credit transactions in cash accounting the day of the receipt. The single entry in accounting for example: there is a sale, where the transaction is complete after the exchange of cash for goods. In commercial accounting the date in which the transaction was made needs to be recorded regardless to whether it was paid or it wasn’t. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles better known as (GAAP) is the collection of standards and practices that are required to be used by business’s to record and present the results of their financial activities and their records of what they owe, established by the Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB). These accounting principles are standardized and used for the many private and publicly traded companies in America today. Every economic event within business must be associated with and recorded by a specific entity and business records must not include the personal assets or liabilities of the owner. If an idea holds no impact on a decision maker, investors, or creditors, then the relating (GAAP) principles do not have to be followed. (GAAP) requires the use of accrual basis accounting rather than cash basis accounting, this is imposed on businesses so that investors have a minimum level of consistency in the financial statements they use when analyzing businesses for investment purposes. The accrual basis of accounting over the cash basis of accounting in commercial accounting and generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP) is different depending on whether you run a large scale business or a small business. Cash basis is used mostly by small businesses where owners and creditors want a simple way to understand the financial statements and to understand whether there is a profit or loss in the business. Accrual basis is used by large businesses and when revenue is earned expenses are accrued. Cash basis gives you a clear picture of your cash flow, but does not give you a good idea of business in the long term because you are not recording income when it is actually earned. Accrual basis accounting accurately matches your income and expenses and if not managed carefully you could lose track of your actual cash flow, with accrual basis transaction statements they are recorded in which the events occur. You don’t have to wait until you see the money, or actually pay money out of your checking account, to record a transaction. References ( (Wiley PLUS)
Monday, January 20, 2020
Al-Anon Observation Paper -- Twelve-Step Meeting Observation Paper
Alcoholism is as prevalent in my family, as blood is in our veins. When previously asked to observe 12-step groups, I ritualistically flocked to Alcoholics Anonymous, without consideration of the possibility that other groups had any potential to make an impact on me. I always pride myself in my ability to identify as an individual that is not ensnared in alcoholism, but unfortunately am an individual that was highly tormented by alcoholism. Through observation of the group and how it processed, as well as identifying how I felt as a new attendee, I was able to understand why self-help, support groups are so vital for individuals in recovery. I finally realized, I too am in recovery. I attended Al-Anon meetings on Sundays at St. Matthew Episcopal Church. The meetings began at 11:45am, and were held until 1:00pm, which was contingent on the progress of each small group. I was in attendance beginning January 19th, with attendance on January 26th, and February 2nd. The groups first met in one room together, and then broke into smaller groups to process. The initial meeting room is a nursery room in the church. It had a lot of natural lighting from the windows, and was decorated in children’s religious artwork. The room was far too small for all of the attendees. There was an average of thirty-five attendees at each meeting. Many times people who came late had to stand outside the doorway and listen in, because the room was literally overflowing with people. There were never enough chairs, which forced some individuals to stand, until the large group, broke into small groups. The group itself was entirely made up of middle age, Caucasians. There was an average of about thirty-five attendees each week. The average age of the gr... ... Gifford, S. (2011). Differences Between Outpatient and Inpatient Treatment Programs. Psych Central. Retrieved from Galanter, M., M.D. (2008). Spirituality, Evidence-Based Medicine, and Alcoholics Anonymous. PsychiatryOnline. Retrieved from Peele, S., PhD. (2004, August). Is AA's loss psychology's gain? American Psychological Association. Vol. 35 NO. 7 pp. 86 Retrieved from McGovern, M. P., PhD, & Carroll, K. M., PhD. (2003). Evidence- base Practices for Substance Use Disorders. Psychiatric Clinics of North America. Retrieved from
Sunday, January 12, 2020
Prince Metternich
Samantha Meyers 01/20/13 Wld Hist. HN Pd. 2 Prince Metternich Prince Metternich was born in Coblenz on May 15, 1773. He owed most of his early education to his mother because his father showed no interest in his education. In 1788, Metternich enrolled in Strasbourg University He served as foreign minister of the Austrian Empire from 1809 to 1848 and restored Austria to its former power after the devastating Napoleonic Wars. He held continuous office in European affairs for almost 40 years.One of his first tasks was to set up a detente with France that included the marriage of Napoleon to the Austrian Arch-Duchess Marie Louise. Soon after that he engineered Austria’s entry into the War of the Sixth Coalition on the Allied side, he signed the Treaty of Fontainebleau that sent Napoleon into exile. In recognition of his service to the Austrian Empire, he was raised to the title of Prince in October 1813. Prince Metternich lead the Congress of Vienna.He helped restore balance of po wer to all of Europe and proposed a peacekeeping organization called the Concert of Europe. He attempted to restore hereditary monarchs that lost power but only ended up making the people favor nationalism. Under his guidance, the â€Å"Metternich system†of international congresses continued for another decade as Austria aligned herself with Russia and Prussia. This marked the high point of Austria's diplomatic importance, but soon Metternich slowly slipped back into the periphery of international diplomacy.At home, Metternich also held the post of Chancellor of State from 1821 until 1848, under both Francis II of Austria and his son Ferdinand I of Austria. After a brief period of exile in London, Brighton and Brussels that lasted until 1851, he returned once more to the Viennese court, this time to offer only advice to Ferdinand's successor, Franz Josef. Having outlived his generation of politicians, Metternich died at the age of 86 in 1859. Metternich was one of the most c apable diplomats of his time.He was responsible for the stability of European governments. In the end, however, Metternich failed because his basic strategy was to support autocracy when the political development in Europe moved rapidly towards democracy. Bibliography: â€Å"Prince Metternich. † World History: The Modern Era. ABC-CLIO, 2013. Web. 20 Jan. 2013. World History Notes on â€Å"19th Century Nationalism†â€Å"Conservative, Sophisticated, Skilled Diplomat. † Emersonkent. com. Emerson Kent, n. d. Web. 20 Jan. 2013. .
Saturday, January 4, 2020
Execute and Run Applications and Files From Delphi Code
The Delphi programming language provides a quick way to write, compile, package, and deploy applications cross-platform. Although Delphi creates a graphical user interface, there are bound to be times you want to execute a program from your Delphi code. Lets say you have a database application that uses an external backup utility. The backup utility takes parameters from the application and archives the data, while your program waits until the backup finishes. Maybe you want to open documents presented in a file list box just by double-clicking on them without opening the associated program first. Imagine a link label in your program that takes the user to your home page. What do you say about sending an email directly from your Delphi application through the default Windows email client program? ShellExecute To launch an application or execute a file in a Win32 environment, use the ShellExecute Windows API function. Check out the help on ShellExecute for a full description of parameters and error codes returned. You can open any document without knowing which program is associated with itâ€â€the link is defined in the Windows Registry. Here are some shell examples. Run Notepad uses ShellApi;...ShellExecute(Handle, open,c:\Windows\notepad.exe, nil, nil, SW_SHOWNORMAL) ; Open SomeText.txt With Notepad ShellExecute(Handle,open,c:\windows\notepad.exe,c:\SomeText.txt, nil, SW_SHOWNORMAL) ; Display the Contents of the "DelphiDownload" Folder ShellExecute(Handle,open, c:\DelphiDownload, nil, nil, SW_SHOWNORMAL) ; Execute a File According to Its Extension ShellExecute(Handle, open, c:\MyDocuments\Letter.doc,nil,nil,SW_SHOWNORMAL) ; Heres how to find an application associated with an extension. Open a Website or a *.htm File With the Default Web Explorer ShellExecute(Handle, open,,nil,nil, SW_SHOWNORMAL) ; Send an Email With the Subject and the Message Body var em_subject, em_body, em_mail : string;begin em_subject : This is the subject line; em_body : Message body text goes here; em_mail : em_subject body em_body ; ShellExecute(Handle,open, PChar(em_mail), nil, nil, SW_SHOWNORMAL) ;end; Heres how to send an email with the attachment. Execute a Program and Wait Until It Finishes The following example uses the ShellExecuteEx API function. // Execute the Windows Calculator and pop up// a message when the Calc is terminated.uses ShellApi;...var SEInfo: TShellExecuteInfo; ExitCode: DWORD; ExecuteFile, ParamString, StartInString: string;begin ExecuteFile:c:\Windows\Calc.exe; FillChar(SEInfo, SizeOf(SEInfo), 0) ; SEInfo.cbSize : SizeOf(TShellExecuteInfo) ; with SEInfo do begin fMask : SEE_MASK_NOCLOSEPROCESS; Wnd : Application.Handle; lpFile : PChar(ExecuteFile) ;{ParamString can contain theapplication parameters.}// lpParameters : PChar(ParamString) ;{StartInString specifies thename of the working directory.If ommited, the current directory is used.}// lpDirectory : PChar(StartInString) ; nShow : SW_SHOWNORMAL; end; if ShellExecuteEx(SEInfo) then begin repeat Application.ProcessMessages; GetExitCodeProcess(SEInfo.hProcess, ExitCode) ; until (ExitCode STILL_ACTIVE) or Application.Terminated; ShowMessage(Calculator terminated) ; end else ShowMessage(Error starting Calc!) ;end;
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