Friday, May 31, 2019
Pushed, Chosen, And Choosing :: essays research papers
Their Eyes Were Watching God, by Zora Neale Hurston,was a novel or so nonpareil womans self-revelation. It beganwhen she was a very young girl, firstborn being pushed, whereforechosen, and finally choosing. Born a victim of circumstance,Janie was field of study to her determine in life. She was raised touphold the standards of the early African Americangeneration. From the beginning, she was taught to be passiveand subject to whatever life gave her. As she grew older shebegan to realize she must(prenominal) give in to her desires and notsuppress them. Janie, the main character of the story, wasset up for her go of self-discovery by her grannie.Nanny set a goal for Janies life by saying, Ah wanted youto look upon yo self. Ah dont want yo feathers always crumple by folks throwin up things in yo face. Janiesgrandmother pushed Janie into a marriage, which sheconsidered a safe place for Janie. Though hesitant, Janieagreed to marry Logan Killicks. He was a farmer whomarried Janie shortly after she completed school. Killickswas the first antagonist that Janie encountered in the story.He was there for one purpose, to destroy Janies new championof self-awarenes. Logan demanded things of Janie that shedid not wish to do and tried to push her into his pestle of aperfect wife. Janie did not love Logan nor did he love her.She didnt know what she wanted, precisely she knew that shedidnt want Logan Killicks. Joe Starks appeared in Janiesyard one afternoon. He said the sweet things that Janiewanted to hear. Though Janie hardly knew the man, she waschosen by his lecturebeing young and gullible. She tookanother step in her journey, divergence Logan the next day andtraveling to Eatonville with Joe Starks. Aspiring to be themayor of Eatonville, Joe Starks was a man have-to doe with withlittle except power. He wanted it, and he was firing to useJanie to get it. She wore nice dresses during this marriagebecause Joe wanted her to stand out from the rest of thetownspeo ple he used her as an icon of his prosperity and power.He was cruel to Janie and stomped out all of her free will.He built his town of Eatonville, became the mayor curtailmentall in his path, and made many enemies along the way,including Janie. During the catch that she was married toJoe Starks, Janie was not allowed to talk and act as herself,but she began to think for herselfnever show to Joehow she felt until just before he died.Pushed, Chosen, And Choosing essays research cover Their Eyes Were Watching God, by Zora Neale Hurston,was a novel about one womans self-revelation. It beganwhen she was a very young girl, first being pushed, thenchosen, and finally choosing. Born a victim of circumstance,Janie was subject to her position in life. She was raised touphold the standards of the early African Americangeneration. From the beginning, she was taught to be passiveand subject to whatever life gave her. As she grew older shebegan to realize she must give in to her desires an d notsuppress them. Janie, the main character of the story, wasset up for her journey of self-discovery by her grandmother.Nanny set a goal for Janies life by saying, Ah wanted youto look upon yo self. Ah dont want yo feathers alwayscrumpled by folks throwin up things in yo face. Janiesgrandmother pushed Janie into a marriage, which sheconsidered a safe place for Janie. Though hesitant, Janieagreed to marry Logan Killicks. He was a farmer whomarried Janie shortly after she completed school. Killickswas the first antagonist that Janie encountered in the story.He was there for one purpose, to destroy Janies new senseof self-awarenes. Logan demanded things of Janie that shedid not wish to do and tried to push her into his mold of aperfect wife. Janie did not love Logan nor did he love her.She didnt know what she wanted, but she knew that shedidnt want Logan Killicks. Joe Starks appeared in Janiesyard one afternoon. He said the sweet things that Janiewanted to hear. Though Janie hardly knew the man, she waschosen by his wordsbeing young and gullible. She tookanother step in her journey, leaving Logan the next day andtraveling to Eatonville with Joe Starks. Aspiring to be themayor of Eatonville, Joe Starks was a man concerned withlittle except power. He wanted it, and he was going to useJanie to get it. She wore nice dresses during this marriagebecause Joe wanted her to stand out from the rest of thetown he used her as an icon of his prosperity and power.He was cruel to Janie and stomped out all of her free will.He built his town of Eatonville, became the mayor crushingall in his path, and made many enemies along the way,including Janie. During the period that she was married toJoe Starks, Janie was not allowed to talk and act as herself,but she began to think for herselfnever revealing to Joehow she felt until just before he died.
Thursday, May 30, 2019
Immigration To Canada Essay -- essays research papers
Immigration to Canada The first immigrants to the territory now constituting Canada were from Western Europe. The first spacious influx began early in the 19th century when large numbers of Europeans left their homelands to escape the economic distress resulting from the transformation of industry by the manufactory system and the concurrent shift from small-scale to large-scale farming. At the same time, wars, political oppression, and religious persecution caused a great many Europeans to seek freedom and tribute in Canada.The century following 1820 may be divided into three great periods of immigration to Canada. During the first period, from 1820 to 1860, most of the immigrants came from Great Britain, Ireland, and western Germany. In the indorse period, from 1860 to 1890, those countries continued to supply a majority of the immigrants the Scandinavian nations provided a substantial minority. Thereafter the proportion of immigrants from northern and Western Europe declined rapidly. In the final period, from 1890 to 1910, few than one-third of the immigrants came from these regions. The majority of the immigrants were natives of southern and Eastern Europe, with nationals of Austria, Hungary, Italy, and Russia constituting much than half of the total. Until World War I, immigration had generally increased in volume annually. From 1905 to 1914 an average of more than a million aliens entered Canada every year. With the outbreak of war, the volume declined sharply, and the...
Wednesday, May 29, 2019
Illegal Immigration to the U.S. Essay -- Cons of Illegal Immigration, I
Illegal immigration in the StatesWorks Cited Not Included Cynthia Tucker, an editor for the Atlanta Journal-Constitution, published an article on the issue of the irregular immigration to the United States in October 2005, in which she argues that hot immigration is one of the serious issues like crime, poverty, and terrorism which demands wise leaders who can solve this issue. She criticizes gobbler Tancredo a Republican congressional representative from Colorado, for promoting a legislation which she claims minimizes the rights of illegal immigrants. In her argument, she does not take into consideration the side effects on U.S family of illegal immigration and she ignores the cost of illegal immigration. For example, there is a study conducted by the Center Of Immigration Studies, an independent, non-partisan, non-profit research organization founded in 1985, which estimates that households headed by illegal aliens used $10 billion more in government services than they pa id in taxes in 2002.(Center of Immigration...). Cynthia Tucker cannot defend her argument clearly and loses believability because she attacks Tancredo himself and not just his argument, and she ignores issues related to immigration like terrorism.Tucker believes that the main reason for illegal immigration to the United States is the businesses who hire the undocumented workers, as bald-faced labor. She criticizes Tancredo for promoting this legislation and in the same time neglecting the businesses who hire them. She claims that Tancredos legislation will deprive the immigrants from their writes, and this will affect the United States because these immigrants produce benefits. She illustrates the benefits of immigration to the States with two crucial... ...ple sustainment in the United States and nearly one million arriving each year as a result, the potential for terrorists entering the United States undetected is high. Center for Immigration Studies Director of Research, Steve n Camarota explains that Because every part of our immigration system has been exploited by terrorists, we cannot reform just one area, but must address the problems that exist passim (Center of Immigration...). Tucker ignores this serious issue which Tucker does not illustrate the whole facts and the issues that related to the issue of illegal immigrants to the States. She also does not criticize Tancredos argument logically instead she attack Tancredo himself. Finally, she does mention the other issues like terrorism, language and crime. At the end, Cynthia Tucker loses her credibility because she can not defend her argument clearly.
Incest in Jane Smileys A Thousand Acres :: Smiley Thousand Acres Essays
Incest in A Thousand body politic Incest in A Thousand Acres invades all the other items it is there, and is crucial for everything that happens, but it is hidden beneath the surface of appearances. Tim Keppel has pointed out not only that Smileys major departure ... is her decision to tell the written report from the viewpoint of Ginny and explore the inner lives of the so-called evil sisters (Keppel, p.105), but that Smiley makes her most dramatic re-vision of Shakespeare (Keppel, p.109) in the storm scene. This has traditionally been the scene when the audience hit a adherence of sympathy with King Lear because of his pathetic insanity, while in A Thousand Acres, the focus of the narrative stays with the sisters and gives us a strong grounds to form a bond of sympathy with them instead Rose tells Ginny about the incest they both underwent, but that Ginny has suppressed from memory. Rose inhaled, held her breath. Then she said, He was having sex with you. ... After he stopped going in to you, he started coming in to me, and those are the things he said to me, an thats what we did. We had sex in my bed. (189-190) That Larry has complete control of the lives of Rose and Ginny is already evident, and now we understand more of why. It is not only a matter of sexual abuse, but of asserting a perverted form of power. This is one of the link formed within the framework of the novel between women and nature They are objects of property. You were as much his as I was, Rose says. There was no reason for him to assert his possession of me more than his possession of you. We were just his, to do with as he pleased, like the pond or the houses or the hogs or the crops. (191). All of this is win to the power inscribed in Larry and the system he embodies. This connection is given a more general relevance in the overall political look of the novel, transcending the workings of one malfunctional family. First, because Larry follows a long line of patriarchal power structures You see this grand history, but I see blows.... Do I speak up Daddy came up with beating and fucking us on his own?... No. I think he had lessons, and those were part of the package, along with the land and the proneness to run things exactly the way he wanted to.
Tuesday, May 28, 2019
A Torrential Downpour in the South Essay -- Descriptive Essay, Descript
What causes fascination? Perhaps it is our inherent curiosity of the unknown. Why then, do we often marvel at the most mundane of phenomena? Wherein lies the secret to this sensation of phenomenal oddment - the ability to perceive the ordinary with a unique fleshly acuity? I cannot claim to have this aforementioned acuity, scarcely I have endeavored on many occasions to hunt for the intriguing in what is force field - to experience phenomenal wonder.There are experiences which do not require acuity to fascinate us - the mystical. I have encountered much that is mystical, but the torrential downpoor will forever amaze me. I pity those who have not bathed in the torrential downpoors of the southern states, for such a shower cannot be found in the most elaborate of spas. Many northern states are deprived of the torrential downpoor, and for me to explain its splendor, I must first describe the zephyr prior to it. During the summer, the south is like a clay pot in an oven. The land i s dry, hot, and dusty. The heat convinces you that the mouth of fossa is opening, with flames licking your feat as you walk. inbuilt communities pray for a miracle hailstorm to extinguish this incredible heat. It is apparent that no amount of praying will result in a hailstorm in the middle of July rain, on the different hand, is quite possible. Meteorologists argue it is the natural order of things poets and romanticists claim it is the will of thirsty land that prompts the sudden showers of the downpoors. I am not concerned with the cause of this heavenly precipitation, only interested in its result. The first torrential downpoor is like tasting a sip of water after days in the desert. The mouth of hell is closed and the flames smothered. You can smell ... ... looked innocent and tranquil.As the ferocity of the downpour would end, we would begin to open the windows. Chilly breezes would sweep magnificently through our house, almost as if the wind had a mind of its own. I swea r that I have, on more than one occasion, touched the wind. Physicists may label my claim as unthinkable others envy me. The wind is a spirit it is like a hand that strokes the earth to soothe it and if you were to use an innate acuity (which we all possess) the spirit in the wind will surely touch you.For me, the torrential southern downpoors have never lasted long enough. The cold dry winter would always come in any case early, and the downpoors begin too late. Perhaps that is why I savor every rain drop. I have tried to search for such phenomenal wonder, but I have yet to succeed in finding an experience more astounding than that of rain.
A Torrential Downpour in the South Essay -- Descriptive Essay, Descript
What causes fascination? Perhaps it is our inherent curiosity of the unknown. Why then, do we often marvel at the most mundane of phenomena? Wherein lies the secret to this sensation of phenomenal wonder - the ability to perceive the ordinary with a unique sensual acuity? I can non claim to reserve this aforementioned acuity, but I have endeavored on many occasions to hunt for the intriguing in what is plain - to recognise phenomenal wonder.There are experiences which do not fill acuity to fascinate us - the mystical. I have encountered much that is mystical, but the torrential downpoor depart forever amaze me. I pity those who have not bathed in the torrential downpoors of the southern states, for such a shower cannot be found in the most elaborate of spas. Many northern states are take of the torrential downpoor, and for me to explain its splendor, I must first describe the atmosphere prior to it. During the summer, the south is like a clay pot in an oven. The orbit is dry, h ot, and dusty. The heat convinces you that the mouth of hell is opening, with flames licking your feat as you walk. Entire communities pray for a miracle hailstorm to extinguish this incredible heat. It is apparent that no amount of praying will result in a hailstorm in the middle of July rain down, on the other hand, is quite possible. Meteorologists argue it is the natural order of things poets and romanticists claim it is the will of thirsty make for that prompts the sudden showers of the downpoors. I am not concerned with the cause of this heavenly precipitation, only interested in its result. The first torrential downpoor is like tasting a sip of water after days in the desert. The mouth of hell is closed and the flames smothered. You can smell ... ... looked innocent and tranquil.As the ferocity of the downpour would end, we would convey to open the windows. Chilly breezes would sweep magnificently through our house, almost as if the wind had a mind of its own. I swear tha t I have, on much than one occasion, touched the wind. Physicists may label my claim as impossible others envy me. The wind is a spirit it is like a hand that strokes the land to soothe it and if you were to use an innate acuity (which we all possess) the spirit in the wind will surely touch you.For me, the torrential southern downpoors have neer lasted long enough. The cold dry winter would always come too early, and the downpoors begin too late. Perhaps that is why I savor every rain drop. I have tried to search for such phenomenal wonder, but I have yet to succeed in finding an experience more astounding than that of rain.
Monday, May 27, 2019
Reflection on Beauty Practices
Beauty has been defined in many ways. In round cultures beauty is everything, its what makes them who they are and in some cases represents where they roll in the hay from. For example in America white teeth and pink gums are desired to fulfill a beautiful smile however the women of Senegal and the Philippines believe this is not true. To beautify their smiles, Senegalese tattoos their gums black, and the women of the Blaan tribe file and blacken their teeth. These women also convinced themselves that they are not only beautifying their smiles, however they are also maintaining dental hygiene.Some cultures are willing to go through pain to fulfill their idea of beauty. For example the women of china detain their feet to be more desirable to men. This process was extremely painful, their toenails were cut very short and their toes were curled under the sole of their feet until they were broken. This procedure limited women in their day-to-day tasks. Tattooing of the gums in Senega l is also an extremely painful procedure. In order to achieve black gums one must go through excruciating pain, needles are repeatedly inserted in a rapid pace with black ink.About seven layers are ideal to achieve this desired look. Viewing these videos has giving me a better cause of beauty in different cultures, and even though beauty is mostly shown on the outside it can also have a huge psychical affect on people. I have also learned that cultural beauty tactics that has been passed down from generation to generation can also come to an end at times. It can be rather upsetting to the older generation, however it cannot be avoided, for generation can also change with time.
Sunday, May 26, 2019
Business Entities, Laws, and Regulations Paper Essay
There atomic number 18 different scenarios with three different forms of entities that require taking control, taxation, and possible liability issues into account. These considerations depart not only serve to ensure compliance is met entirely also so that individuall(a)y establishment is protected. In the first scenario Lou and Jose throw to open a restaurant/sports bar, the issue is that they prolong not accumulated of the money, and Miriam, a prosperous investor is entrusting to contribute the funds although she doesnt shake off time to be physically involved in the business.In the second scenario Frank happens to be a wealthy investor who has a strategy to open up a grasp of exterminating businesses without the United States. The third scenario is Akiva and Tara fates to open a licensed obstetrician office, they will take out a loan for startup costs. The fourth and terminal scenario a construction comp whatever is hiring and has specific job requirements that must be met in order to be selected as the final candidate. Restaurant/Bar Lou and Jose plan to open a sport bar/restaurant, a emerge where customer will be able to socialize while watching sports on large-screen TVs.The major(ip) issue is that Lou and Jose do not have the funds to put these plans to action. But they do know of a wealthy investor Miriam, who is willing to invest her wealth in making the sport bar/restaurant happen. Miriam doesnt have much time to be involved in the day to day operation but is willing provide capital in return for a percentage of have gotership. It is at Lous and Joses best interest to name their business a Limited Partnership business. A bound partnership is the best option for Lou and Jose since they have one partner who will invest capital but will not participate in management (Cheeseman, 2010).In order to do so Lou and Jose must file for a certificate of Limited Partnership through the secretary of produce and must comply with the statutory requ irement of the RULPA (Revised Uniform Limited Partnership Act) (Cheeseman, 2010). Once the certificate of limited partnership is filed a limited partnership is formed. Each partner will be obligated for filing his or her own tax information and they will also be responsible for the reporting of the society tax information as a whole. Extermination business scenarioFrank is a prosperous investor who would like to open a cooking stove of exterminating businesses throughout the United States. Since Frank is interested in opening several establishments throughout the United States, the best option for him would be to have his business exercise up as a franchise business. In his particular case a chain-style franchise would be more beneficial as this would allow each establishment to make and sell its services to the public in the different parts of the country. Frank as the franchisor would be responsible for his own contracts and torts and the franchisee is liable for his own contr acts and torts.Each prospect franchisee would have to apply with franchisor for a franchise. If approved the parties would enter a franchise agreement and the franchisor and franchisee would be set up as conk out entities. Therefore each operation owner is responsible for filing his or her tax documents and ensuring that they are in compliance. Professional Practice Akiva and Tara have completed all the requirements needed for them to open up their own obstetricians office. Since Akiva and Tara are just newly out of the medical field, I think that they may want to consider having an LLC. A limited liability company (LLC) is an unincorporated business entity that combines the most favorable attributes of general partnerships, limited partnerships, and corporations.An LLC is taxed as a partnership unless it chooses to be taxed as a corporation, the owners can manage the business, and the owners have limited liability. Many entrepreneurs who begin new businesses choose the LLC as thei r legal form for conducting business (Cheeseman, 2010. P. 267). An LLC is a separate legal unit (or legal individual) separate from its associates.LLCs can sue or be sued by people who have entered into a legal contract. mental synthesis Scenario In this scenario Surebuild, Inc is a new construction company and Mei-Lin is the hiring manager and is found in the middle of a dilemma of which candidates to interview as she has specifically express in the description that a high school fleece is required from that of the roaring candidate. The first thing Surebuild, Inc needs to do is to hire a humanity Resource Manager to ensure that Surebuild is in compliance with the federal, state, and local government.Regarding the applicants that have applied Surebuild needs to avoid making any decision that may kick downstairs contrariety of sex, age, origin of nationality. One of the applicants is Michelle, who is 35 years of age who shows to be pregnant and happens to be a high school gra duate, and was once employed as a pneumatic hammer operator. In this case Surebuild, Inc need to make sure there is no discrimination against Michelle since she is a female who happens to be pregnant or the company will be liable and probably sued.Especially because Michelle has met the requirement listed as a qualification for a successful candidate. Title VII of the cultured Rights Act of 1964 was enacted to eliminate job discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, and national origin. Another applicant is Eric who is 55 years of age who has experience with a jackhammer without a high school diploma. In this case if the company is specifically looking for experience on the jackhammer they need to focus on that and make their decision based on the same and not on Erics age because then they would be committing discrimination against age.The defense the company can have is that Eric does not have a high school diploma a specific requirement that must be met. Felipe is a 38 year senile applicant who does not speak any English and also has no high school diploma. The requirement for this position also states that the candidate is required to have a high school diploma, something Felipe does not have. The fact that Felipe does not speak English can be seen as a discrimination of origin of nationality but the company has proof that the applicant did not meet the requirements as he does not have a high school diploma.The last applicant is chip off a 23 year old college graduate who happens to be epileptic, and no experience with a jackhammer. Under the Title I of the ADA states that employment discrimination against individuals who are qualified with disabilities in respect to job application procedures, hiring compensation, training, promotion and termination is prohibited. Cheeseman, 2010. In this case the company should interview Nick as they would any possible candidate and make their determination based on their job requirements and the positions r equirements.In this case he has more than a high school diploma but lacks the experience, he can be given training and possibly learn how to use a jackhammer but if the job cannot accommodate his epileptic condition and or will he be at a higher risk of injury because of the type of job then the company. Every companys top priority for its employees is to ensure the safety of its employees and if Nicks elliptical condition can cause severe injury to him or those virtually him while working on the jackhammer then the company needs to make a decision of not hiring Nick.Should they hire him with his condition and an accident takes place that causes major injury to Nick or another employee the company can be liable and required to pay the expenses, medical bills, and vindicatory damages. The company can possibly even be sued. Everyone business has a responsibility of ensuring that not only are they in compliance with the secretary of state when it comes to the proper registration of t heir business but they also have a huge responsibility to society, its employees, and to themselves.It is important that every business understand that there are federal, state, and local regulations they must abide by in order to avoid liability and possibly law suits. It is also important that they abide by them in order to give fair and proper treatment to its personnel as those are the individuals that drive the company and most of the times make it a successful business. This not only is beneficial to the company but to the employees and to our world economy.
Saturday, May 25, 2019
Marketing Environment Essay
Before we start with marketing environment it is important to know what a market is and how can marketing be defined as. A market is any structure that allows buyers and sellers to exchange any type of goods, services and information. The market facilitates merchandise and enables the distribution and allocation of resources in a society. Markets allow any tradable item to be evaluated and priced. A market emerges more or less spontaneously or is constructed deliberately by human interaction in order.Marketing can basically be looked upon as the interaction between marketing mix variables and environmental variables. It is only with the help of marketing variables, that the market managers tackle the environmental variables. Marketing is an ongoing process of planning and executing the marketing mix for products, services or ideas to create exchange between individuals and organizations. According to Kotler Marketing is a social and managerial process by which individuals and groups obtains what they need and want through creating, offering and exchanging products of cling to with others.The American Marketing Association defines marketing as- The performance of business activities that direct the flow of goods and services from producers to consumers or users. Marketing tends to be seen as a creative industry, which includes advertising, distribution and selling. It is also concerned with anticipating the customers future needs and wants, which are often discovered through market research. Essentially, marketing is the process of creating or enjoin an organization to be successful in selling a product or service that people not only desire, but are free to buy.In the words of Stanton Marketing is a total system of interacting business activities designed to plan ,price, promote and distribute want satisfying products and services to expose and potential customers. Therefore good marketing must be able to create a proposition or set of benefits for the e nd customer that delivers care for through products or services.Government agencies, political parties, pressure groups and laws create tremendous pressure and constraints for marketing management. Laws affect product design, pricing and promotion. Irrespective of the political ideologies, encumbrance in the marketing process has become common in every nation. The legal environment is also referred to as public policy environment. The vast presidential term network of laws and regulation, policy decisions, government bureaucracy and the legislative processes have varied impact on marketing strategies. Multinationals like Coca Cola and IBM had to flee India during 1977 ascribable to a hostile political environment.The positive political situation has permitted these corporations to again operate in the country. The impact of political and legal forces may be summarized as under ? Substantial amount of legislation regulating business exists to protect consumers from unfair busines s practices, to avoid unfair competition, to safeguard small firms and to conserve external exchange. ?Marketing managers are required to get full companionship and understanding of political and legal forces for achieving their goals. Political factors include government regulations and legal issues and define both the formal and informal rules under which the firm must operate.For example Tax policy Employment laws Environmental regulations Trade restrictions and tariffs Political stability Study and knowledge of frugal forces is essential to preparing effective marketing plans. Anticipation of future economic conditions will enable the firm to devise appropriate marketing strategies. Under economic environment, a marketing manager generally studies the following factors and trends Trends in cross national product and real income growth Pattern of income distribution Variations in geographical income distribution and trends Expenditure patterns and trends Trends of consumer sa vings and how consumers like to hold their savings Borrowing pattern, trends and governmental and legal restrictions Major economic variables Economic factors affect the purchasing superpower of potential customers and the firms cost of capital. For example Economic growth Interest rate Exchange rates Inflation rates Economic conditions affect marketing now because such organizations are themselves a part of the market place. For instance, the costs of all inputs positively respond to upward swing of economic condition. This will affect the payoff price and consequentially affect the sales.
Friday, May 24, 2019
“Midsummer’s Night Dreamâ€Â: Themes, Symbolism, And Contrast Essay
The fundamental themes of a Midsummers night Dream are magic, dreams, and the hindrance of experience. Throughout the turn tail, these universal concepts are nourished in every scene by the recurring determination of contrast. Shakespeares ideas are represented by his use of symbolisms. A Midsummers Night Dream conveys the themes of love, dreams and magic through use of contrast and symbolism throughout the play.When Lysander comments, The course of love never did reap smooth, he declares the most important theme in the play, that of the trouble of romance. The romantic situations of the play are out of balance because Lysander and Demetrius are both in love with the same woman, Hermia. This leaves Helena by herself to ponder the nature of love. She says, Love looks not with the eyes, but with the mind, because she feels that Demetrius does not see her own beauty because he is so prompt thinking about Hermia. In the same way, the relationship between Tatiana and Oberon is out of sync because Oberon wants the Indian boy. Also, an imbalance in nature occurs when Tatiana falls for Bottoms ass-head. These contrasting scenarios all defecate in common the potential for harmony amongst all the lovers and finding harmony is the basis of the play and undeniable for the expected beaming ending.Shakespeare uses magic as a theme when he uses the fairies magic, symbolized by the love potion, to shit hilarious situations in the play. The potion is symbolic of the supernatural power of love and contributes to the surreal and fantastic atmosphere of the play. The potion causes havoc, but in the end creates balance amongst the lovers.Dreams are an important theme in the play because they go overtake in hand with the magical chaos in the wood. The recurring theme of dreams is evident when the characters try to explain bizarre events in which they are involved. For example, when the lovers are found in the forest and awakened by Egeus, Hyppolyta and Theseus, Lysande r says, My Lord, I shall reply amazedly, half sleep, half waking but, as yet, I swear, I cannot truly say how I came here.It seems that Shakespeare was interested in Dreams and sought to convey that to his audience by the use of fairies and magic in the forest. At the end of the play, Puck says, If we shadows have offended,think but this, -and all is mended, -that you have but slumbered here while these visions did appear. And this weak and idle theme, no more yielding but a dream. This gives the play a sense of illusion necessary for the audience to experience the plays surreal and fantastical atmosphere.Contrast or opposition is used throughout the play to develop the structure of the plays themes. Oberon is the King of the fairies is ruler over the magical forest. His desires revenge on Titania leads to chaos. In contrast, Theseus, the duke of Athens represents power and order. Also, he is only seen in the initiation and end of the play, and is removed from the happenings in the forest. The land they rule over is also in contrast. Athens symbolizes reason, whereas the forest symbolizes a place of mystery. The best example of ocular contrast in the play is when the beautiful, graceful Tatiana falls for the grotesque and clumsy Bottom with the asses-head.Symbols represent abstract ideas. In A Midsummers Night Dream, Theseus and Hippolyta represent order. The realm they rule over is that of reason. Oberon and Tatiana rule over a dream realm that symbolizes mystery and uncertainty. The love potion symbolizes the fickle nature of love. The play-within-a-play symbolizes a reverberate held up to A Midsummers Night Dream itself. In essence, the play is making fun of itself.Shakespeares uses powerful themes, symbolism and contrast to create a fantastical realm of dreams and illusion. The lighthearted structure of the comedy lets the audience know that a happy ending is at hand and leaves the spectator at ease to ponder over loves difficulty, the magic or supernat ural power of love, and what is illusion or dream.
Thursday, May 23, 2019
Telemedicine And The Elderly Adult Health And Social Care Essay
IntroductionThe cutting eon of design is all around us, from Blackberry, Blue Tooth, GPS, I-Pads, I-Phones, I-Pods, and Smart Phones, there s an App for that-anywhere we go and anything we want to make. Whether we accept or non, our private stretch aways, our callings, and even our health concerns argon invariably transformed by engineering. A We whitethorn kick, but in actuality, we would non own it any other manner.Health anxiety engineering bed be every bit simple as a proctor purposeless by a patient of of, or the engagement of a handheld device at a patient s bedside, that sounds an dismay at the possibility of a critical job. The hereafter of wellness attention engineering is about impossible, such as a sawbones sitting outside the operating room or as far off as another state, steering surgical instruments as an android machine performs intricate encephalon surgery in a infirmary. Soon, automatons argon utilized in hospital scenes to implement bringing of medicin e, lab specimens and consequences, and wellness records to assorted floors. A Robots coffin nail present these services in an good mode by make up ones minding and recalculating the best class to take to accomplish its undertaking, while carefully maneuvering clear of obstructions to finish the path. This paper about prospective tendencies in telemedicine focal points on the current and future impact of telemedicine in relation to caring for the rapidly increasing age population.TelemedicineRemote and little populations in the linked States are often at a disadvantage when they need entree to wellness attention. Disabled aged folks may non hold transit to imagine a reestablish, if there is even one near adequate to entree. In an article focused on bettering diabetes attention in unsophisticated countries, Massey, Appel, Buchanan, and Cherrington ( 2010 ) explown(prenominal) that, Residents of rural countries face extra barriers a , including limited entree to wellness atten tion services, suppliers, and instruction plans high rates of poorness low degrees of wellness literacy and increased distances from societal vanes ( p. 20 ) . In these state of affairss, the solution to wellness attention isolation for these soulfulnesss is telemedicine.Telemedicine, defined as the usage of telecommunications engineering to present health care at a distance from the patient ( Stedman s, 2005 ) , is besides known as telehealth . Telemedicine allows aged folks in rural or checkuply underserviced countries receive sufficient health care. The efficient exchange of medical records and informations between multiple doctors, specializers and/or druggists, while trial consequences and ordering instructions discussed between the patient and the doctor or other attention suppliers, is the end of telemedicine. Physicians communication over the telephone about intervention for a patient is a signifier of telemedicine, every bit good as an cyberspace videoconference between suppliers in different parts of the state or universe.Telemedicine can function the patient in the absence of view wellness attention every bit good as provide support and information for place wellness care-givers. Proctors can assist the patient keep path of medicines, lineage haul per unit area, and weight. In the yesteryear, a place wellness nurse necessitating instructions for medicine dosin or intervention for a peculiar patient may hold had to wait for a telephone call. Current computer-based information transcriptions provide patients and their health professionals with support and information at the clip support and information is needed.Telemedicine brings the readiness and cognition of a distant specializer into the audience room of a little rural health care installation, or transfers the CAT-scan consequences of a patient in a rural community to a radiotherapist in another topographic point. The more or less recent promotion in telemedicine is the develop ment of nomadic solutions that are non reliant on fixed systems, but employ nomadic orbiter and cellular telecommunication webs for the bringing of health care ( Kroemer, Fruhauf, Campbell, Massone, Schwantzer, Soyer, & A Hofmann-Wellenhof, 2011 ) .A Mobile telephones and person-to-person digital helpers ( PDAs ) are used to present patient information. Mobile telemedicine is critical to the success of exigency medical services ( EMS ) forces before and during conveyance of a patient to a infirmary ( Parker, 2005 ) .Telemedicine is besides utile in educating doctors, nurses, and other medical forces. A The deficit of nurses, and likely besides the deficit of doctors, is due in peck to deprivation of instruction of medical staff. At least portion of the preparation of staff members can be with computer-based application systems. Application package can come after exigency or intervention state of affairss to give the trainee practical hands-on preparation. In add-on, pupils can take specialised tests designed based on their ain degree of expertness.Telemedicine and the AgedTelemedicine, telecare, and telehealth, are all footings used interchangeably to depict distant overseeing of patients utilizing information, communicating, and engineering ( ICT ) . Patients are monitored finished clip-on monitoring devices that send wellness position information from the patient to the wellness attention supplier electronically, in add-on to electronic mails, informations and imaging direction, and videoconferencing. Old ages ago, physicians made house calls to analyze their patients. With telemedicine, physicians can now do a practical house call. Patients can link themselves, or be connected by a attention supplier, to glucose metres, blood force per unit area turnups, radio graduated tables, and many other electronic devices that track the patient s wellness daily and direct the consequences to the patient s doctor.The Personal Emergency Response System ( PERS ) i s another device for supervising aged patients. The PERS is typically worn as a pendent or a wristband, and mechanically sends an qui vive if the patient falls or has another type of exigency. In an article featured in the diary Age and Ageing , Miskelly ( 2001 ) provinces, Recent developments in new engineering are the topic of intensive research destined to do an of import part to the attention of older people, both in establishments and at place ( P. 455 ) . In add-on, a 2010 survey conducted by BCC Research predicts that elder attention engineering and specifically engineering that proctors long-run attention installation occupants for falls and general wellness indexs, were valued at $ 2.3 billion in 2010, and are expected to make $ 3.4 billion by 2015 ( Long-Term Living 2011, ) .The U.S. population over age 65 is anticipated to more than double by the twelvemonth 2050. As the per centum of aged population additions, so does the rate of disablement, infirmity, and chronic diseases. Weakened aged grownups whom live entirely and suffer from chronic unwellness necessitate some signifier of every twenty-four hours monitoring. Home wellness attention helpers may assist, but most are non available to be with their client ( s ) on a full clip footing. In add-on, the greater portion of the aged population could non realize off to pay for this type of attention if it existed. The most accessible signifier of full clip monitoring for aged persons is a wearable device that monitors the person at all times.The most frequent chronic diseases of the aged are cardiovascular, cardiorespiratory, neurological, and diabetic conditions. The weak aged are besides more likely to realise falls. An article written by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention ( CDC, 2012 ) reveals that Each twelvemonth, one in every three grownups age 65 and older falls. Fallss can do moderate to severe hurts, such as hip breaks and caput hurts, and can increase the hazard of early decease. Frequent monitoring of an person s physical calm and critical marks may increase the likeliness of forestalling a dangerous event. Home based gesture feeling efficiency help in falls bar and aid maximise an person s independency and community engagement ( Patel, Park, Bonato, Chan, & A Rodgers, 2012, p. 2 ) .With other telemedicine systems patients monitor their ain critical marks utilizing blood force per unit area turnups, finger detectors to mensurate O impregnation, and graduated tables for supervising weight. A The informations transferred over web connexion to the database waiter where it is stored. The doctor or other healthcare supplier can entree the information remotely. The major difference between this type of system and the wearable monitoring devices is degree of user interaction. A The wearable proctors send signals automatically, where the blood force per unit area turnup, finger detectors and graduated tables are abandoned to home integral monitoring Stationss and necessitate interaction by the patient. A In add-on, being connected to a computing machine, they are non mobile, as are the wearable proctors.Restrictions and BarriersWhile telemedicine shows positive results for the aging population, legion barriers stand in the manner of its widespread execution. Those barriers include deficiency of consciousness of available engineerings and jobs utilizing engineering among older consumers, deficiency of fiscal inducements to utilize or put in engineering, deficiency of consensus on the value of specific engineerings and unequal engineering substructures ( Alwan & A Nobel, 2008, p. 3 ) . For illustration, some aged persons have negative intension when they think of engineering. They are either uninformed or uneducated about engineering, so are immune to devices that could assist them alive longer, happier, more independent lives. In add-on, some folks may hold frights about their demand for such devices. Some older grownups and their household members may non hold the income to afford such devices which makes it hard for usage of the engineering to go a common pattern. Poor substructure is another obstruction, which is the inability of different information systems to pass on with one another. Without this interoperability, EHRs created by one doctor s information system can non be shared with or accessed by another doctor utilizing a different information system, a quandary that clearly defeats one of the intents of EHRs, which is to better co-ordinate attention ( Alwan & A Nobel, 2008, p. 1 ) .The Future of TelemedicineThe widespread popularity and usage of telemedicine ordain non take off in the next five old ages, but telemedicine will easy be used by more patients and doctors than it is now. outdistance will go less of a factor because of betterment in telecommunication and high-speed informations webs in general. As telecommunication progresss, so will telemedicine. Currently, wellness issue s and life endangering conditions necessitating forte audience may take hours or even yearss to get the needed information. In the hereafter, forte audience could be an immediate communicating with a specializer sing the patient at the same clip as the go toing doctor. At present, developing countries still need to get the engineering for usage of telemedicine. For this sector the usage of telemedicine in wellness attention countries such as general surgery, paediatricss, and exigency attention will better over the following five to ten old ages.DecisionThe life of each person is impacted by new engineering every twenty-four hours. The prevalence of engineering in our lives will merely go on to increase in the hereafter. From smart phone wellness apps to distance-guided robotic surgery, wellness attention engineering will go on to be enhanced and improved upon. Telemedicine is presently used in potentially every facet of communicating in wellness attention, from physician/speciali st, physician/patient, and patient/healthcare supplier. Telemedicine is used to develop wellness attention staff and nurses where there is a deficiency of pedagogues available. Specialists and primary attention suppliers can see patient medical records, physical history, and radiological images at the same clip, or even by a group of specializers through video-conference. The aged receive support and attention through telemedicine with the usage of proctors worn on the organic structure or connected to a computing machine. In the hereafter, I think it is possible that the monitoring systems will do it possible for medical information related to an exigency to make the infirmary exigency room staff before the patient arrives by ambulance or chopper. When needed, a specializer will look to be in the exigency room with the patient and staff, even though the specializer may be stat mis off. Harmonizing to Cowan ( 2010 ) , very Health Care Reform requires cardinal alterations in patte rn which in bend requires effectual usage of information engineerings and acceptance to altering consumer outlooks ( p. 379 ) . A As telecommunication progresss, so will telemedicine and all other facets of wellness attention engineering.A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A
Wednesday, May 22, 2019
Company Law Tutorial
Company law tutorial question year 3 Semester1. 1. Under the ordinary rules of law, a present guild and a subsidiary ships company, even a 100 per cent subsidiary company, are distinct reasoned entities and in the absence of an agency contract between the two companies, one cannot be said to be the agent of the other. This seems to be clearly established by the rule in Salomon v. A. Salomon & Co. Ltd. Critically discuss. 2. The principle laid down in Foss v. Harbottle continues to create a significant obstacle to minority share take toer action. Discuss. 3. Layton Co. Ltd. , private company with Articles in the form of Table A, has in its memorandum, the following clauses The objects for which the company is established are (i) to bring to pass, process and distribute computer software and CD Roms (ii) to purchase and hold property, to borrow or to lend money, and to dispose of funds or property owned by the company and (iii) to do anything that is in the opinion of the director s necessary to shew profits from the use of the assets of the company. Geoff and Marcia, two of the directors of Layton Co.Ltd. , own approximately 20 percent of the shares in Layton Co. Ltd. Stacy, a director, unbeknown to the board of directors, purports to enter into a contract with lavishly State Developers Ltd. , on behalf of Layton Co. Ltd. , for the construction of a health spa for stressed executives. In order to secure machinery, Stacy writes to Health Fanatic Inc. , on Layton Co. Ltd. s stationery, religious offering Health Fanatic Inc. the contract to reserve technical training for any staff employed by the spa. Health Fanatic Inc. accepts the offer. Layton Co. Ltd. , now refuses to grade he health spa due to a depression in the market and is consequently not in need of Health Fanatic Inc. s services. Discuss. 4. Tamara and Kathy take been conducting business as artefact restorers for several years. In January, 1999, Tamara and Kathy decided to incorporate their bu siness. In order to facilitate the building of the registered head office of the company, Tamara purchased land from her gramps for$50,000. Meanwhile, Kathy executed a contract on behalf of Heritage Ltd. , engaging the services of Sherry, a geology expert, to carry out a geological survey.Sherry submitted a report headed theatre to confirmation which stated that the land was suitable for building a multistoried complex and that there was evidence of mineral deposits. In June 2004, Heritage Ltd. was incorporated as a public company with Tamara, Kathy and Bill as its directors. Tamara promptly sold the parcel of land to Heritage Ltd. for $2. 2 million and submitted an invoice for $70,000 for services rendered prior(prenominal) to the incorporation of Heritage Ltd. In April 2005, Tamara, unbeknown to the board, enters into an agreement with Jump Up Inc. or the acquisition of a fleet of trucks. It is customary for Heritage Ltd. to lease trucks as acquisition is extremely costly. Advi se. The capital of Bush Tea Co. Ltd. consists of fully paid up ordinary and preference shares. The governing regulations of Bush Tea Co Ltd. provide as follows 17(a) Preference shareholders shall receive a cumulative preference dividend of 5% half yearly and (b)Two votes shall be attached to each preference share issued. repayable to an outbreak of the Pink Mealy bug disease, the production of bush tea has dramatically declined.The board of directors of Bush Tea Co. Ltd. proposes to alter clause 17(a) of the governing regulations to shrivel the preference dividend from 5% to 2% and to move a resolution to increase the voting rights of ordinary shareholders. Advise the preference shareholders. 5. In 2001, Mr. Ingenious decided to build condominiums on a parcel of marge front property which he had purchased in 1996 for $40,000. On March 26th, 2001, Mr. Ingenious instructed Mr. Safe Guard, an attorney-at-law, to incorporate a company to be called land Haven Ltd. to manage the cond ominiums. Immediately after leaving Mr.Safe Guards office, Mr. Ingenious entered into an oral agreement on behalf of Beach Haven Ltd. with Fast cast Cement Ltd. for the supply of building blocks for the construction of the condominiums. The company, Beach Haven Ltd. , was eventually incorporated, in January, 2002. Its board of directors consists of Mr. Ingenious, Mr. Deke, Ms. Peta-Gaye and Ms. Jayanti. At the directors meeting of February, 2002, the board of directors resolved to purchase the beach front property from Mr. Ingenious for $1million. Unfortunately, due to a slump in the real estate market Beach Haven Ltd. s profits declined significantly. It has been observe that, prior to incorporation, Mr. Ingenious contracted with Wire Steel Inc. , signing on behalf of Beach Haven Ltd. , for the supply of 12 tons of high-tension steel at a price well above the market price. Mr. Deke, in March, 2003, hired his girlfriend, as a consultant, for $10,000 per month without board approva l. The cement blocks purportedly purchased on Beach Haven Ltd. s behalf are discovered to be of inferior quality. Advise Beach Haven Ltd. 6. Sashawa Enterprises Ltd. (SE Ltd. ) is a public company incorporated in Jambah.The Articles of tie-up of SE Ltd. are in the form of Table A. The objects clause of the Memorandum of Association contain the following provisions (a)To carry on the business of the manufacture of textiles and clothing apparel (b)To borrow money (c)To do all such things which in the opinion of the directors may be conveniently carried out by the company. In January, 2001, Michael and Midge, two directors of SE Ltd. , contracted with Caribbean Construction Ltd. to build a coffee shop on premises adjacent to the corporate headquarters of SE Ltd. To finance this project SE Ltd. orrowed $5 million from Careless Bank Ltd. This loan was approved quickly, since Careless Bank Ltd. was a long standing customer of SE Ltd. and Careless Bank Ltd. was satisfied of Caribbean Cons truction Ltd. s credit worthiness. After the events of September 11th, 2001, the profits of SE Ltd. declined considerably. SE Ltd. is no longer interested in constructing the coffee shop and is refusing to pay both Caribbean Construction Ltd. and Careless Bank Ltd. Nevertheless SE Ltd. is desirous of donating $12 million dollars to the International War support Fund. Discuss.
Tuesday, May 21, 2019
M11Cde Skills-Based Assessment
School of Engineering & Computing Department of Computing Internet Information earnest (M11CDE) layered Security Student Name BUSA ABANG OBI SID4560229 I certify that this is my own work yes/no and that I have discover and understand the University Assessment regulations. Signature pic Submission Details The details below refer what you should submit, when you should submit it and where is should be submitted to. Submission Date and Method Dead railway 11 January 2013 1150pm online submission. Submission Format 1. accept the online prove for the pr spotical test which will be avai research lable 1 week before the last-place fixed deadline. . Download an electronic copy of this atomic number 101ument and where there ar blanks or spaces to complete addressing development etc. , please accommodate them in the document. You submission should include the answers in the document, but do not change the document in any other way If the document has been modified other than to incl ude the essential training your submission will be null and void. 3. Your files should be scream as SID_FIRSTNAME_SURNAME. doc. E. g. coulomb292_FIRSTNAME_SURNAME. doc. 4. Save the manikins from all(a) your intercommunicate devices and embed them into the end of this document. 5.If you have essay to set up VLANs, please overly include a switch variety from any one of your LAN switches. Please note that this mustiness(prenominal) be a switch that you have actually configured VLANs on. 6. If you have implemented the meshwork in Packet Tracer, you may consider submitting a copy of that as well but this is not compulsory. cipher Tolerance for late submission If your work is late it will have to be pronounced adjust according to new university policy. Please ensure you upload your work well before the deadline. You will be able to delete and update your work before the deadline. Plagiarism NoteAs with all assessed work, two the research and written submission should be yo ur own work. When submitting this work you are explicitly indicating that you have read the rules on plagiarism as defined in the University regulations and that all work is in fact your own, debar where explicitly referenced using the accepted referencing style. Feedback and marking The practical work will be marked by using the questions set in the online quiz and number of questions for distributively section will number on the weightings set in the below sections. Feedbacks and marks will be provided once the online practical quiz is submitted.Network topology Whilst the topology immortalizes only two troopss on each LAN, you should configure four soldierys on each LAN. Network Information The WAN IP web address between Dundee and Glasgow is 209. 154. 17. 0 with a subnet masque of 255. 255. 255. 0. The WAN IP network address between Edinburgh and Glasgow is 209. 154. 16. 0 with a subnet mask of 255. 255. 255. 0. This is clearly shown on the network topology. Dundee cul ture The LAN for Dundee has been assigned an IP network address of 192. 168. 6. 0 for each one subnet of the higher up network require to accommodate 14 array addresses. The subnet mask will be 255. 255. 255. 40. This is worked out by borrowing 4 bits from the final octet and is shown in the delay below. Table 1 Custom Subnet veil for Dundee 255 255 255 240 128 64 32 16 8 4 2 1 128 64 32 16 8 4 2 1 128 64 32 16 8 4 2 1 128 64 32 16 8 4 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 Use the 6th usable subnet for the LAN.Do not use subnet zero as the commencement usable subnet. The table below shows how the 6th usable network can be identified. Network Network ID First troops dying emcee Broadcast Mask 0 192. 168. 6. 0 192. 168. 6. 1 192. 168. 6. 14 192. 168. 6. 15 /28 1 192. 168. 6. 16 192. 168. 6. 17 192. 168. 6. 30 192. 168. 6. 31 /28 2 192. 168. 6. 2 192. 168. 6. 33 192. 168. 6. 46 192. 168. 6. 47 /28 3 192. 168. 6. 48 192. 168. 6. 49 192. 16 8. 6. 62 192. 168. 6. 63 /28 4 192. 168. 6. 64 192. 168. 6. 65 192. 168. 6. 78 192. 168. 6. 79 /28 5 192. 168. 6. 80 192. 168. 6. 81 192. 168. 6. 94 192. 168. 6. 95 /28 6 192. 168. 6. 6 192. 168. 6. 97 192. 168. 6. 110 192. 168. 6. 111 /28 7 192. 168. 6. 112 192. 168. 6. 113 192. 168. 6. 126 192. 168. 6. 127 /28 You should be able to send the pattern (or misrepresentation number from the subnet mask). If it is not immediately apparent subtract the last non-zero octet from 256. Edinburgh information The LAN for Edinburgh has been assigned an IP network address of 192. 168. 5. 0 Again, each subnet of the above network needs to accommodate 14 host addresses.The subnet mask will be 255. 255. 255. 240. This is worked out by borrowing 4 bits from the final octet and is shown in the table below. Table 1 Custom Subnet Mask for Edinburgh 255 255 255 240 128 64 32 16 8 4 2 1 128 64 32 16 8 4 2 1 128 64 32 16 8 4 2 1 128 64 32 16 8 4 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 Use the quaternary usable subnet for the LAN. Do not use subnet zero as the first usable subnet. You must respect the example for Dundee to complete the table for step 1 planning. You should be able to identify the pattern (or magic number from the subnet mask). If it is not immediately apparent subtract the last non-zero octet from 256. The elements of the coursework are 1. Planning and assign addresses 30 marks 2. Basic var. 40 marks 3. Security ACLs 10 marks 4.Security VLANs 20 marks The basic theme is that Glasgow (GLA) is regional headquarters of the company. Edinburgh and Dundee are branch offices. Each network associate (student) will be responsible for an entire network. This means that using either the lab equipment in EC1-13 or Packet Tracer, you will configure 3 routers, 2 switches and 8 PCs. A network address and specific number of hosts per subnet has been assigned for the local LAN on each network (Edinburgh and Dundee).From the information provided , the subnet address, the subnet mask, the first and last usable addresses and the broadcast address for each site LAN need to be determined. (When using the router or Packet Tracer it is judge that you keep a copy of your router frame at each stage, just in case you run into problems). Step 1 Planning Using the map below, plan the first ten usable subnets of the LAN address assigned to Edinburgh. You have been given the first 6 addresses for Dundee, you are now expected to plan for the first 10 addresses for Edinburgh. Subnet Subnet Subnet First phalanx Last Host Broadcast comprehend Mask (/x) 0 192. 168. 5. 0 28 192. 168. 5. 1 192. 168. 5. 14 192. 168. 5. 5 1 192. 168. 5. 16 28 192. 168. 5. 17 192. 168. 5. 30 192. 168. 5. 31 2 192. 168. 5. 32 28 192. 168. 5. 33 192. 168. 5. 46 192. 168. 5. 47 3 192. 168. 5. 48 28 192. 168. 5. 49 192. 168. 5. 2 192. 168. 5. 63 4 192. 168. 5. 64 28 192. 168. 5. 65 192. 168. 5. 78 192. 168. 5. 79 5 192. 168. 5. 80 28 192. 168. 5. 81 192. 168. 5. 94 192. 168. 5. 95 6 192. 168. 5. 96 28 192. 168. 5. 97 192. 68. 5. 110 192. 168. 5. 111 7 192. 168. 5. 112 28 192. 168. 5. 113 192. 168. 5. 126 192. 168. 5. 127 8 192. 168. 5. 128 28 192. 168. 5. 129 192. 168. 5. 142 192. 168. 5. 143 9 192. 168. 5. 144 28 192. 68. 5. 145 192. 168. 5. 152 192. 168. 5. 159 10 192. 168. 5. 160 28 192. 168. 5. 161 192. 168. 5. 174 192. 168. 5. 175 For the WAN links for annoy and EDN the lowest usable address on the networks must be used. Identify and use the lowest usable WAN address for your S0 larboard assigned to you for the two networks shown 1 Dundee209. 154. 17. 1 Edinburgh209. 154. 16. 1 For security reasons, all of the production work move will be assigned the lower-half of the IP addresses of the assigned subnet. All of the network devices and management stations will be assigned the upper-half of the IP address numbers of the subnet assigned for the LAN. From this upper half affirm of addresses, the Ethernet router emb rasure (the default gateway on each LAN) is to be assigned the highest usable address. Identify the required IP address of the Ethernet interface on your two routers. Address of your Ethernet interface on Dundee 192. 168. 6. 10 Address of your Ethernet interface on Edinburgh 192. 168. 5. 78 The host (PC) configurations must also be planned. Using the table, complete the host information. relegate DUN IP Address Range Production Host Range 192. 168. 6. 97192. 168. 6. 103 (Lower half) concern Host Range 192. 168. 6. 104192. 168. 6. 10 (Upper half) 5 marks for ranges of addresses Supply addresses for a production and management host. Production Host (1) IP Address192. 168. 6. 97 Subnet Mask255. 255. 255. 240 Default Gateway192. 168. 6. 110 Management Host (1) IP Address192. 168. 6. 104 Subnet Mask255. 255. 255. 240 Default Gateway192. 168. 6. 110 Branch EDN IP Address Range Production Host Range 192. 68. 5. 65192. 168. 5. 71 (Lower half) Management Host Range 192. 16 8. 5. 72192. 168. 5. 78 (Upper half) Supply addresses for a production and management host. Production Host (1) IP Address192. 168. 5. 65 Subnet Mask255. 255. 255. 240 Default Gateway192. 168. 5. 78 Management Host (1)IP Address192. 168. 5. 72 Subnet Mask255. 255. 255. 240 Default Gateway192. 168. 5. 78 Step 2 Basic Configuration Apply a basic configuration to the router. This configuration should include all the sane configuration items. You must supply one router configuration file. This will be either Dundee or Edinburgh. The router configuration files will be marked as follows Basic Configuration Router name Console and VTY configuration and passwords (use cisco, class and berril for condole with, secret and VTY passwords respectively) Interface configurations DTE/DCE identified appropriately and clockrates set only on DCE Routing limit and work (RIP is fine) Host tables Banner display before login warn of self-appointed doorway Basic Configuration (40 marks) Sec urity (ACLS Marked as part of step 3) 1. ACLs correct and utilise to correct interface in correct direction 10 2. ACLs correct but not applied to correct interface or direction 7 9 3. ACLs attempted but some errors or wrong placement 4 6 4. ACLs attempted but incorrect and not applied properly 1- 3 5. ACLs not attempted 0ACL Total (Total 10 marks) Step 3 Security There are several security concerns in the Internetwork. Develop Access Control Lists (ACLs) to address security issues. The following problems must be addressed 1. The production hosts in both the Edinburgh and Dundee networks are permitted HTTP access to the 172. 16. 0. 0 network, management hosts are permitted no access to this network. 2. The company has discovered an Internet Web server at 198. 145. 7. 1 that is cognize to contain viruses. All hosts are banned from reaching this site. The ACLs are worth 10 marks. Step 4 VLANsThis step is the final 20% of the coursework mark. To achieve this step you should conside r how you might use a VLAN to separate the production and management LANs. The goal is that neither network should be able to see the other network traffic. There is no additional guidance on this part of the skills test as you are expected to identify 1. An appropriate VLAN number to use for each VLAN. 2. An appropriate VLAN configuration. 3. Implement the VLAN and provide the switch configuration file(s) to show that the VLAN has been implemented. VLAN Marks The VLAN component will be marked as follows VLAN configured and correct configuration supplied 20 VLAN identified but configuration incomplete or incorrect 10 15 VLAN attempted 5 10 depending on aim of attempt VLAN not attempted 0 VLAN (Total 20 marks) Appendix Network device configurations pic pic pic pic pic pic pic pic pic pic Press RETURN to get started Routerenable Routerconfigure terminal go far configuration commands, one per line. end with CNTL/Z. Router(config) Router(config)hostname EDINBURGH EDINBURGH(confi g)line console 0 EDINBURGH(config-line)password ciscoEDINBURGH(config-line)login EDINBURGH(config-line) put across EDINBURGH(config)line vty 0 4 EDINBURGH(config-line)password cisco EDINBURGH(config-line)login EDINBURGH(config-line) croak EDINBURGH(config)enable password cisco EDINBURGH(config) consequence EDINBURGH %SYS-5-CONFIG_I configured from console by console EDINBURGHconfigure terminal Enter configuration commands, one per line. devastation with CNTL/Z. EDINBURGHen Password EDINBURGHconfig t Enter configuration commands, one per line. End with CNTL/Z. EDINBURGH(config)enable secret class EDINBURGH(config) depart EDINBURGH SYS-5-CONFIG_I Configured from console by console pic pic EDINBURGHconfigure terminal Enter configuration commands, one per line. End with CNTL/Z. EDINBURGH(config)interface serial2/0 EDINBURGH(config-if)ip address 209. 154. 16. 1 255. 255. 255. 0 EDINBURGH(config-if)no conclusion %LINK-5-CHANGED Interface Serial2/0, changed recount to up EDINBURGH(conf ig-if)exit %LINEPROTO-5-UPDOWN Line communications protocol on Interface Serial2/0, changed state to up EDINBURGH(config)interface fastethernet0/0 EDINBURGH(config-if)ip address 192. 168. 5. 78 255. 255. 255. 240 EDINBURGH(config-if)no closedown LINK-5-CHANGED Interface FastEthernet0/0, changed state to up %LINEPROTO-5-UPDOWN Line protocol on Interface FastEthernet0/0, changed state to up EDINBURGH(config-if)exit EDINBURGH(config)router rip EDINBURGH(config-router)network 172. 16. 0. 0 EDINBURGH(config-router)network 192. 168. 6. 0 EDINBURGH(config-router)network 192. 168. 5. 0 EDINBURGH(config-router)network 209. 154. 16. 0 EDINBURGH(config-router)network 209. 154. 17. 0 EDINBURGH(config-router)exit EDINBURGH(config) banner motd warn of unlicensed access EDINBURGH(config) banner login do not enter if you are not authorized EDINBURGH(config)ip host DUN 209. 54. 17. 1 192. 168. 6. 110 EDINBURGH(config)ip host GLA 172. 16. 1. 254 209. 154. 16. 2 209. 154. 17. 2 EDINBURGH(config)exit EDINBURGH %SYS-5-CONFIG_I Configured from console by console EDINBURGHcopy running-config startup-config Destination filename startup-config? edifice configuration OK EDINBURGH EDINBURGHshow host Default bowl is not set Name/address lookup uses domain service Name servers are 255. 255. 255. 255 Codes UN unknown, EX expired, OK OK, revalidate temp temporary, perm permanent NA Not Applicable None Not definedHost style Flags Age Type Address(es) DUN None (perm, OK) 0 IP 192. 168. 6. 110 209. 154. 17. 1 GLA None (perm, OK) 0 IP 172. 16. 1. 254 209. 154. 16. 2 209. 154. 17. 2 EDINBURGH pic pic pic EDINBURGHshow r Building configuration Current configuration 1291 bytes magnetic variation 12. 2 no service timestamps log datetime msec no service timestamps debug datetime msec o service password-encryption hostname EDINBURGH enable secret 5 $1$mERr$9cTjUIEqNGurQiFU. ZeCi1 enable password cisco ip host DUN 192. 168. 6. 110 209. 154. 17. 1 ip host GLA 172. 16. 1. 25 4 209. 154. 16. 2 209. 154. 17. 2 interface FastEthernet0/0 ip address 192. 168. 5. 78 255. 255. 255. 240 ip access-group 100 in duplex auto speed auto interface FastEthernet1/0 no ip address duplex auto speed auto shutdown interface Serial2/0 ip address 209. 154. 16. 1 255. 255. 255. 0 ip access-group 10 out interface Serial3/0 no ip address shutdown interface FastEthernet4/0 o ip address shutdown interface FastEthernet5/0 no ip address shutdown router rip network 172. 16. 0. 0 network 192. 168. 5. 0 network 192. 168. 6. 0 network 209. 154. 16. 0 network 209. 154. 17. 0 ip classless access- listen 100 disavow tcp 192. 168. 5. 72 0. 0. 0. 7 172. 16. 0. 0 0. 0. 255. 255 eq www access-list 100 permit ip any any access-list 10 permit any access-list 10 deny host 198. 145. 7. 1 no cdp run banner login Cdo not enter if you are not authorizedC banner motd Cwarn of unauthorised accessC line con 0 password cisco login line vty 0 4 password cisco login endEDINBURGH EDINBURGHshow access-lists configuration EDINBURGH(config)access-list 100 deny tcp 192. 168. 5. 72 0. 0. 0. 7 172. 16. 0. 0 0. 0. 255. 255 eq 80 EDINBURGH(config)access-list 100 permit ip any any EDINBURGH(config)interface fastethernet0/0 EDINBURGH(config-if)ip access-group 100 in EDINBURGH(config-if)exit EDINBURGH(config)access-list 10 permit any EDINBURGH(config)access-list 10 deny host 198. 145. 7. 1 EDINBURGH(config)interface serial2/0 EDINBURGH(config-if)ip access-group 10 out EDINBURGH(config-if)exit EDINBURGH(config)exit EDINBURGH %SYS-5-CONFIG_I Configured from console by consoleEDINBURGHcopy running-config startup-config Destination filename startup-config? Building configuration OK EDINBURGH pic EDINBURGHshow access-lists Extended IP access list 100 deny tcp 192. 168. 5. 72 0. 0. 0. 7 172. 16. 0. 0 0. 0. 255. 255 eq www permit ip any any Standard IP access list 10 permit any deny host 198. 145. 7. 1 EDINBURGH pic EDINBURGHSWITCH CONFIGURATION Switchen Switchconfig t Enter configuration commands, one per line. End with CNTL/Z. Switch(config)hostname EDINBURGHSWITCH EDINBURGHSWITCH(config)line console 0 EDINBURGHSWITCH(config-line)password ciscoEDINBURGHSWITCH(config-line)login EDINBURGHSWITCH(config-line)exit EDINBURGHSWITCH(config)line vty 0 4 EDINBURGHSWITCH(config-line)password cisco EDINBURGHSWITCH(config-line)login EDINBURGHSWITCH(config-line)exit EDINBURGHSWITCH(config)enable password cisco EDINBURGHSWITCH(config)exit EDINBURGHSWITCH %SYS-5-CONFIG_I Configured from console by console EDINBURGHSWITCHconfig t Enter configuration commands, one per line. End with CNTL/Z. EDINBURGHSWITCH(config)enable secret class EDINBURGHSWITCH(config)exit EDINBURGHSWITCH %SYS-5-CONFIG_I Configured from console by console EDINBURGHSWITCH EDINBURGHSWITCHconfig tEnter configuration commands, one per line. End with CNTL/Z. EDINBURGHSWITCH(config)interface vlan1 EDINBURGHSWITCH(config-if)ip address 192. 168. 5. 77 255. 255. 255. 240 EDINBURGHSWITCH(config-if)no shutdo wn %LINK-5-CHANGED Interface Vlan1, changed state to up %LINEPROTO-5-UPDOWN Line protocol on Interface Vlan1, changed state to up EDINBURGHSWITCH(config-if)ip default-gateway 192. 168. 5. 78 EDINBURGHSWITCH(config)exit EDINBURGHSWITCH %SYS-5-CONFIG_I Configured from console by console EDINBURGHSWITCHcopy running-config startup-config Destination filename startup-config? Building configuration OKEDINBURGHSWITCH EDINBURGHSWITCHvlan database % Warning It is recommended to configure VLAN from config mode, as VLAN database mode is being deprecated. Please consult user documentation for configuring VTP/VLAN in config mode. EDINBURGHSWITCH(vlan)vlan 10 name production VLAN 10 modified Name production EDINBURGHSWITCH(vlan)vlan 20 name management VLAN 20 added Name management EDINBURGHSWITCH(vlan)exit APPLY completed. EDINBURGHSWITCHconfig t Enter configuration commands, one per line. End with CNTL/Z. EDINBURGHSWITCH(config)interface fastethernet0/2 EDINBURGHSWITCH(config-if)switchport mode accessEDINBURGHSWITCH(config-if)switchport access vlan 10 EDINBURGHSWITCH(config-if)end EDINBURGHSWITCH %SYS-5-CONFIG_I Configured from console by console EDINBURGHSWITCHconfig t Enter configuration commands, one per line. End with CNTL/Z. EDINBURGHSWITCH(config)interface fastethernet0/3 EDINBURGHSWITCH(config-if)switchport mode access EDINBURGHSWITCH(config-if)switchport access vlan 10 EDINBURGHSWITCH(config-if)end EDINBURGHSWITCH %SYS-5-CONFIG_I Configured from console by console EDINBURGHSWITCHconfig t Enter configuration commands, one per line. End with CNTL/Z. EDINBURGHSWITCH(config)interface fastethernet 0/4EDINBURGHSWITCH(config-if)switchport mode access EDINBURGHSWITCH(config-if)switchport access vlan 20 EDINBURGHSWITCH(config-if)end EDINBURGHSWITCH %SYS-5-CONFIG_I Configured from console by console EDINBURGHSWITCHconfig t Enter configuration commands, one per line. End with CNTL/Z. EDINBURGHSWITCH(config)interface fastethernet0/5 EDINBURGHSWITCH(config-if)switchport mode a ccess EDINBURGHSWITCH(config-if)switchport access vlan 20 EDINBURGHSWITCH(config-if)end EDINBURGHSWITCH %SYS-5-CONFIG_I Configured from console by console EDINBURGHSWITCHshow vlan VLAN Name Status Ports - 1 default active Fa0/1, Fa0/6, Fa0/7, Fa0/8 Fa0/9, Fa0/10, Fa0/11, Fa0/12 Fa0/13, Fa0/14, Fa0/15, Fa0/16 Fa0/17, Fa0/18, Fa0/19, Fa0/20 Fa0/21, Fa0/22, Fa0/23, Fa0/24 Gig1/1, Gig1/2 10 production active Fa0/2, Fa0/3 20 management active Fa0/4, Fa0/5 1002 fddi-default act/unsup 1003 token-ring-default act/unsup 1004 fddinet-default act/unsup 1005 trnet-default act/unsupVLAN Type SAID MTU Parent RingNo BridgeNo Stp BrdgMode Trans1 Trans2 - - - 1 enet 100001 1500 0 0 10 enet 100010 1500 0 0 20 enet 100020 1500 0 0 1002 fddi 101002 1500 0 0 1003 tr 101003 1500 0 0 1004 fdnet 101004 1500 ieee 0 0 1005 trnet 101005 1500 ibm 0 0 Remote SPAN VLANs Primary Secondary Type Ports - EDINBURGHSWITCH pic pic pic
Monday, May 20, 2019
Cormac Mccarthy’s the Road- Theme of Hope
The Road is set sometime in the prox after a global catastrophe. The Road follows the story of a nameless father and male child, possibly the drop dead of the beloved guys, as they travel along an abandoned stretch of highway populated with occasional marauders and cannibals. The post-apocalyptic stage setting plays upon the publics fear of terrorism, pandemics, genocide, and weapons of mass destruction. Since the cause of the destruction remains unanswered, it is left open to the drumhead to make assumptions.The Roadi is set somewhere in the south eastern United States. in that location is mention of strange mountains, several rivers and creeks, and a coastline. The landscape and the air ar soaked in thick, gray ash. Vegetation has been destroyed. There are no fish in the water. When snow f totallys, it collects the ash in the air and falls to the universe already gray. The setting is the main antagonist in the book, because it is the number one adversity the father and discussion have to endure. This creates the theme as the father continually struggles to keep his faith and carry the fire.The ill he faces with his password makes him question his faith in hu homoity and god, but in the end, it is his son who makes him listen that your can always have hope in the most difficult of times. The boy and the existencehood continually search among the debris in the aftermath of the cataclysmic event for morsels of food and warmth. though they are force to breathe thick ash in the air and travel in constant cold, they continually plod forward. It is apparent that the father is slowly losing his faith in humanity and their situation, and parts of him wish it could just all be over.They must find food and clean water, and they must constantly hide. There are maraud groups of cannibals who look upon the man and boy as nothing more than meat. The lone bullet in the mans gun is saved for the boy, who has been instructed on how to kill himself should something happen to the man. This young boy, the scarce hope in a dismal environment, is all that bets to the man. You know how to do it. You put it in your mouth and point it up. Do it quick and hard. Do you understand? Stop crying. Do you understand? (113).This shows that the father does not hope his son to be able to survive in this environment, and he would much rather have him die tardily than have to attempt survival and risk suffering. The man and boy encounter few nation in this story. Most of Abraham 2 those they do come across are brutish because everyone is starving and fighting for survival. near all the people in this story are constantly on the move. The father trusts no one, his terminal is to make it to the south, to the coastline. However, neither warmth nor bounties of food are found once the man and the boy eventually reach the edge of the water.The shoreline is just as cold as the mountains were, and everything is the alike drained of life, bitterly co ld, and hopeless. though the boy wants to write a message in the sand to the good guys the father finds it hard to pose positive. What if the bad guys saw it? I shouldnt have said that, we could write them a letter (245). Though through it all the boy is mum able to hold on to hope that there is still good in the world. Yet, father also starts to question his faith in god, which contributes to his pessimistic attitude.The father subconsciously focuses attention on the questions of God, does he exist? If so, is he present, or has he vacated the premises? Is he good? Does he care? It become clear that the fathers faith in god is weak after all the incidences he has witnessed. In one case, when he meets an elderly blind man, the father tells him how only god could know what is going to happen. The blind man then says, There is no god and we are his prophets (170). This shows that the old man has lost all faith in god. He believes that they have been left there to fend for themselves .The father says nothing to oppose the statement and visualisems to push it in to the back of his mind. The old man later mention, Where men cant live gods fare no better (172). Referring to how it is near inconceivable to keep your faith in such hard times. Later in the novel when they find a flare gun, the father shoots it off as a celebration. His son asks if anyone could see it, to which the father asks Like god? (246). The flare is symbolic in the sense that they shot it in to nothing but smog and taint but could still make it out, even though no one from any further outside(a) would be able to.This make the father realize that god can work in the same way, and even though you cant see him, he could still be present. Over time, the boys optimism starts to work on the fathers hope in the future. He starts to trust in his son and understands that he is able to make the right decisions. He also regains some of his hope for the future through it all. Were still here. Alot of b ad things Abraham 3 have happened but were still here (269) His love for his son continues to make him strong and he braves each day even though he knows he volition die soon from sickness.At one point the boy asks him what the bravest thing he has ever done was. The man replies, Getting up this morning (272). In time the father comes to see how much his son has develop and is able to make the right decisions. The father notices how the boy always went out of his way to help people and had a good moral compass. The child begged to give food to the old man even though they knew he would die, as well as returning clothes to a thief even though he didnt deserve it. The father tells the boy that he has been carrying the fire himself this whole time privileged of him, Its inside you. It was always there. I can see it (279).In the end, the father realizes that he must trust his son to survive on his get and that there is hope for the future. He promises the boy that he will never leave him, but he cannot keep death at bay. The man finally succumbs. And the boy still young in years, but aged through his challenging experiences must find his own way. Despite the setting, the father learned from his son that you can always keep hope alive, no matter how hard times get. You have my whole heart. You always did. Youre the best guy. You always were. If Im not here you can still talk to me. You can talk to me and Ill talk to you. Youll see (279).
Sunday, May 19, 2019
Phl 458 Week 4 Individual Assignment Famous Thinkers Paper
ordinal cytosine Thinkers PHL/458 twentieth Century Thinkers The Twentieth Century, the year 1901, proved to be a measure of change, brilliance, dedication, and new-found technology (2011). From quill pens to ink pens, horse-drawn carri senesces to gas powered engines, slavery and segregation of moodys and Whites to the Civil Rights move workforcet, and from handwriting on tablets to storing important information in a computer the Twentieth Century do a tre mendous amount of positive contributions to society.The contributions made in the Twentieth Century are often over-looked and taken for granted. Americans in particular have bugger off nearlywhat spoiled with that is just there. What is forgotten and should often is without the integrity and dedication within the creative minds of the Twentieth Century, the United States would be living as if it were still 1901 rather than 2012. Many individuals are responsible for the step-up of this time. Two of the most influential, th ough each had a separate aspiration, are Martin Luther fagot and amount Gates.Both men contributed a significant amount, and have gone down in history as individuals who changed the way the institution worked personally, socially, and politically. Martin Luther King was one of the most influential civil rights activists and speakers of recent time. According to a Newsday article, Kings mission was to lead the world into a more accepting place with not only the Black American population but also other minority groups. The article also referred to King as, esteemed most for his heroic civil rights activism in the United States as tumefy as a oracle of peace and justice in a world torn by war in Vietnam (1992).Among his many accomplishments, Martin Luther King was a doctor, writer of five published books, a member of the executive committee of the case Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP), president of the Southern Christian Leadership Conference, and at the age of 35 he was the youngest man to have received the Nobel Peace Prize (1964). The I Have A Dream speech given by Martin Luther King captivated the hearts of individuals supporting the Civil Rights cause. His solutions and ideas were employ widely and had a huge mpact on rights among the White and Black America. In 1950 King, and the NAACP assisted in the embrown v. Board of Education, in Topeka, Kansas, which led to the acceptance of Black Americans in all White public schools (PBS, 2001). The thousands of edge and protests he led among the United States proved that one man can indeed make a difference. post-horse Gates is also a man who made a difference in the Twentieth Century, though his passion in the beginning of his career came strictly from knowledge and intelligence.Gates is described by Whos Who in the Twentieth Century as a US businessman who co-founded Microsoft Corporation, which in the 1980s became the leading(p) computer software producer. In 2008, Microsoft was, according to this same source, accused of illegal activities, which led to Gates waiver at Microsoft (Phillips, 2008). After Microsoft fell through for Gates, he advanced on to study philanthropy, which is a locoweed or individual (s) donate to the goodwill of humanity. Bill Gates, still possessing ties with the Microsoft cooperation could do this combining his newfound riches and his intelligence (Time Magazine, 2008).An article from Think Big Magazine quotes from Time, For many years, Microsoft has used somatic philanthropy to leave technology to people who cant get it otherwise, donating more than $3 billion in cash and software to discover to bridge the digital divide (2008). Martin Luther King and Bill Gates made disparate, yet important contributions to society. King had a dream, that combined with intelligence and persistence, helped the United States become more accepting toward minority groups. Without his determination, America may not have voted in the first Black president.Bill Gates had a dream as well however, with his wealth Gates dreams could come true slightly faster than Kings. Gates dream, though it began with computer technology, microchips, and corporate ladder climbing ended with wealth. Without his innovative approach, technology would not have reached the levels on intensity that it has and stretch out to do over the years, but the goodwill Gates has done for humanity is very noble. Both men brought a completely different level of critical thinking into the world than the other, which could make comparing and critiquing their work, for some individuals, quite difficult.Martin Luther King and Bill Gates, though from the outside looking in may be individuals who had different agendas, have both made a huge impact on society. The courage Martin Luther King had to bag up for his fellow Black American citizens and is comparable to the strength that Bill Gates has to rise preceding(prenominal) his initial failure and change h imself to better mankind. Both men have offered the Twentieth Century entrust for future generations. For an individual to critique the work of either of these men without having put forth any coarse effort themselves, some may believe is just ignorance and close-mindedness.In a perfect dream world, Martin Luther King and Bill Gates would have collaborated and combined their efforts to achieve a better world. Together their efforts could have been impossible and level(p) more life changing than their work was as individuals. With the wealth of Bill Gates, Martin Luther King may not have had to fight such a battle for freedom, and with the genuine initial compassion as Martin Luther King, Bill Gates may have realized firsthand that his true passion lies within helping humanity.Unfortunately, the time was not meant for them to work as one however there is hope that future generations will be able to look past White and Black, wealth and poverty, and combine forces to contribute sim ilar, selfless traits just as King and Gates were able to do as individuals. References http//ehistory. osu. edu/world/TimeLineDisplay. cfm? Era_id=16 This Is Not Just A renewing Of Values on the Jericho Road CITY Edition Newsday Long Island, N. Y 20 Jan 1992 58. Martin Luther King Biography. Nobelprize. rg. October 31, 2011 http//www. nobelprize. org/nobel_prizes/peace/laureates/1964/king-bio. hypertext markup language http//www. nobelprize. org/nobel_prizes/peace/laureates/1964/king-bio. hypertext mark-up language http//www. pbs. org/kcet/publicschool/innovators/brown. html Gates, BillWorld Encyclopedia. Philips, 2008. Oxford Reference Online. Oxford University Press. Apollo Group. October 31, 2011 http//www. thinkbigmagazine. com/mindset/223-billgates-big-thinker http//topics. nytimes. com/top/reference/timestopics/people/g/bill_gates/index. html
Saturday, May 18, 2019
Crash Character Analysis Essay
ships officer Tommy Hansen, a Los Angeles police officer who, after find his partner Officer John Ryan pull over Cameron Thayer and Christine Thayer and sexually molests Christine, requests a change of partner. He ultimately reveals his own insecurities with other races through his treatment of Peter Waters. We later see Tommy walking away from his eager car wearing a pair of latex gloves, thus concealing his involvement in the shooting.Officer John Ryan, a prejudiced white police officer who molests Camerons wife, Christine, under the pretense of scrutinizing for a weapon. Ryan is trying to get help for his father, who has been misdiagnosed with a bladder infection. His anger manifests in prejudice, which stems from the destructive continue that local affirmative action policies had on his fathers business. He later saves Christine from a burn mark car when he had the perfect opportunity to ensure that he left the burning car alive, which leaves Christine stunned.Cameron Thay er, a black television director. He witnesses Officer Ryan molesting his wife and later realizes that the producers of his television show propagate antiblack stereotypes about black people. At the scene of Hansens burning car (to eliminate evidence of a murder), he is able to find contentment and reconnects with his wife.Christine Thayer, Camerons wife. She is molested by Ryan and becomes furious with her husband because he didnt defend her. The two insult each other over their upbringingsas both Cameron and Christine have handsome up in more privileged environments than many other African Americans. The next day she is pin down in an overturned car due to a car accident and, by a submit of fate, Officer Ryan is the man who willingly endangers himself to save her life.
Friday, May 17, 2019
Grapes of Wrath Chapter 25 Analysis
The cold, soaked earth, which was a source of life not too long ago, abducts a youthful child objet dart the mother can only watch hopelessly as the husband shovels mounds of dirt. This grammatical case is not too different than most that citizens living during the dot Bowl had to deal with. The self-destructive nature caused the American community to keep expanding and shaping the land as they saw fit.Because of this they over reported the land which, combined with drought, caused the splosh Bowl. The big corporations soon bought out most of the land in the Mid-West and many families were soon forced to assume their living by other means. The shift of these families out west to a limited number of jobs disgraced the United States economy. In Chapter 25 of the Grapes of Wrath, John Steinbeck summarizes the human nature of self-destruction causing the corporations to plantcase their rapaciousness and how it affected the laborers of calcium.Steinbeck begins the parting by p ainting a picture of California in (paragraph 1 and 2) in order to install how beautiful the country was when it was untouched by corporations. Steinbeck sets up many similes and images that he sums up towards the extirpate of the chapter. He describes a beautiful California in which harvest blossoms ar fragrant intercept and flower petals carpet the earth with pink and white. using spring colors such as pink, white, and kibibyte to how California was beautiful and peaceful.The beautiful, lush landscape that Steinbeck describes also draws parallels to the Garden of Eden when described as handsome with result so much so that little crutches must be placed under them(the branches) to backup the weight just as the Garden of Eden was described as being plentiful with fruit present the transformation of a place that is generally regarded as the most beautiful place firearm also enhancing the degree of beauty that California has. Steinbeck describes the California hills as s oft as breasts and how it quickens with start lucubrate that show how Steinbeck sets the state up to be a nurturing, pregnant mother.In (paragraph 3), Steinbeck starts to describe the type of men who work on the nurturing mother that is California. Steinbeck uses polysyndeton when describing these men show all wonderful qualities they possess, such as understanding and association and skill wake how highly Steinbeck regards these men arguing that the men are of the highest order of human beings He thusly uses asyndeton to show the countless amount of plagues that the mens techniques can overcome such as the molds, the insects, the rusts, the blights once much showing how important Steinbeck thinks these men are.Steinbeck continues to build these men up by describing them as men of k todayledge again referencing California as the Garden of Eden by comparing the men to the Tree of Knowledge which serves as foreshadowing as the Tree of Knowledge bore the forbidden fruit that caus ed the fall of man. Steinbeck continues his mother metaphor by depicting the men as children of the nursing California. In (paragraph 4 and 5) Steinbecks tone and diction assortment as he describes the men as the years go by to show how the men are destroying the land they once carefully cultivated.He shows the shift of the men to destructive techniques by using words same(p) destroying and tearing as opposed to delicate and carefully to nevertheless his idea that the men are changing. The fruit is no longer supported by the crutches but sags down against the crutches showing how the men are now actually destroying the land of their nurturing mother. Steinbeck begins his grapes of wrath metaphor by describing the grapes as growing heavy signifying the furore that the uncouth raft feel towards the men who, in reality, are the large crop owners and the bank owners.The men are also proud of their ability to make the crops heavy with produce and transform the world with their know ledge brief parallels to the big bankers and crop owners who exploited the poor people in order to shape the world the their likening. Steinbeck finishes the section with another usage of asyndeton to describe all of the things that these men can do to drive the earth to produce or in modern terms control the wealth of the country.In (chapters 6-13), the landscape of California changes for the worst as Steinbeck tries to describe the damage that the men have inflicted on California. Steinbecks diction with words such as feed bunk, waste, and decay associate the former Edenic Califronia with a deathly image. This diction corresponds with the shift in vision that shows meat turning dark and crop shriveling on the primer coat along with black shreds(of cherries) hanging from them(the seeds) further depicting the change of landscape of California.Instead of valleys in which fruit blossoms, the valley expels an odor of sweet decay showing the horrible state that California has turned in to under the guidance of the understanding men. Steinbeck also uses fast tomography to depict plentiful pears falling heavily to the ground and splashing on the ground a symbol Steinbeck also changes the main theme of colors from the beautiful pink and green of the former California to a deathly black. Steinbeck also uses the vernacular of Californians to show the apprehension that the farmers feel by expressing such phrases as We cant do it. and We cant pay wages, no matter what wages. putting the reader in to the mind of the farmers to experience that panic and desperation they felt. Steinbecks strong imagery is used again to depict plentiful pears falling heavily to the ground and splashing on the ground a symbol for the failing system the farmers have that is causing their lives to fall, splash, and puff up on the ground. Paragraph 9 goes on to present an example of rotten, wasp-stung grapes that correlates to the swelling grapes of paragraph 1.The swelling grapes would be used to make fine wine-coloured that has a connotation of being beautiful and delicious while the rotten grapes would make an awful wine which is generally regarded as sickening and disgusting nothing more than a concoction of mildew, formic acid, tannic acid, and sulphur. These two wines represent the country from which they are made, the good wine being the beautiful California and the sickening wine being the deathly country that the men created. (Paragraphs 18-23) show Steinbecks complete opinion that the corporations or men and how they destroyed California and the lives of the oor. Steinbeck shows the sorrow of the situation by describing the carloads of oranges dumped and accordingly being burned-over along with the pigs being slaughtered then letting the putrescence drip down into the earth. He then chooses to reveal his thesis at the beginning of this section to signify his intent of exposing the injustices of the men. Steinbeck transitions from calling the farmers to the people signifying that the poorly treated farmers are meant to be the American population of the 1930s.This is meant to show the injustice that the poor people had to go through and the greed that the corporations exemplified. The fruit that people come for is burned for no other undercoat than that it benefits the big crop owners showing more injustices that the people endure. The oranges are golden mountains when they are being burned an allusion to the way the men, or corporations, burned the soft green hills of the former California because of greed.In paragraph 22, Steinbeck uses anaphora to show the succession of horrible events that the people endure culminating to a failure that topples all success. Steinbecks usage of grotesque imagery such as the children dying of pellagra is meant to accuse the men of killing these children with their crimes. At the very end of the chapter, the anger is building in the people as the guards can see the growing wrath in the eyes of the hungry. The pregnant mother is again used, only this time she is heavy with or birthing the rage of the people.This is a call to action by Steinbeck meant to spur the impoverished people of California to revolt as Jim Casy and Tom did. Chapter 25 of The Grapes of Wrath serves as Steinbecks critique of American society in the 1930s. He analyzes the events of the Dust Bowl and how American people and corporation heads reacted to it. Steinbeck that the laborers of America needed to rise against the big corporation in order to pause their lives. Steinbeck summarizes by calling the American people to act on the injustices that they endure and better their country.
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